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How do I remove or move Scripted ammo crate domination.

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I want to remove this crate or move it to a location I want it. Is there a way to do this. I like the other features that might be tied to the same line of script. I beleave Xeno is using the flag pole as the triger to spawn the ammo crate not sure, but if I change the name on the flag pole. The Teleport, Ammo Crate and the Shield all goes away so it all seams to work off the flag pole named FLAG_BASE.

Edited by Gunnykat

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i think the crates are spawned on a marker, so press markers in editor and you should see a marker at the original ammo crate position, move that and i think thats it.

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Man I was hopeing that was how it was. The only markers there is Teleport /Para and Basespawn.

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The 2.60 version of Domination uses a marker for the position that the ammobox is spawned at. Along with that it also features many many technology and optimization changes, so I highly suggest updating to that.

Edit: If you reeeeeaalllyyyy do not want to update for some reason, tell me what stock version you are running and I will tell you how to best move the ammo box.

Edited by Grimes [3rd ID]

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I am working on Domination 2 Map. Version 2.28 30co R OA.

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That version uses an x y position, not a marker to position the ammo boxes. Look in i_common.

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I did not see anything about x or y in the i_common.sqf . It was all about the drive up ammo load area and how many ammo crates you can load up in a vehicle.

Edited by Gunnykat

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Anyone know the script line that puts in the ammo crate maybe I am over looking it.

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I did not see anything about x or y in the i_common.sqf . It was all about the drive up ammo load area and how many ammo crates you can load up in a vehicle.

My mistake, it's in i_client, but an in-file search for the word "ammo" would have found it for you.

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Upgrade to 2.6 and live in a beautiful world.

Where do I find this version.

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Yeah, updating to 2.60 is your best bet. From 2.28 its ganna be a helluva ride if you have lots of customization. But it really is a learning experience.

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Whats makes the 2.60 version better. I mean it looks the same and acts exactly the same. Cept for the save weapons and names over player's head.

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There's a lot of features and coding that's much improved. The basics are the same, but it's much better.

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Ok how do I change the weapon load out on the scriped ammo crate that are loaded in the vehicles. I looked the script over again and found some stuff in the x_client, But none of the weapons listed in there match whats in the HQ I loaded. I would like to mod whats all in there.

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x_client\x_weaponscargo. There are a few variants, just pick the right one. weaponscargor is ranked.

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