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seagull problems

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Hi to all.I would like to know if there is any script that can let spawn a "seagull" and let he flies to a dest and fallow him with an attach camera.Is it possible?


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mmmm not really what I was looking for.I'm trying to find something like Mr-Murrays' seagull script" in is editing guide, I don't know how let it work...If anyone knows also another script and want to help pls post


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look at this script:


_spos = _this select 0

_zpos = _this select 1

_count = _this select 2

_i = 0


_x = (random 30) + 10;

_y = (random 30) + 10;

_z = (random 30) + 10;

? _i >= _count : exit;

_i = _i + 1;

_bird= "hawk" camcreate [(getpos _spos select 0) - (sin getdir _spos * _x),(getpos _spos select 1) - (cos getdir _spos * _y), _z];

[_bird,_spos,_zpos] exec "birdpos.sqs"

goto "check";


_bird = _this select 0

_spos = _this select 1

_zpos = _this select 2

_x = (random 10) + 10

_y = (random 10) + 10

_z = (random 10) + 10


_bird camsetpos [(getpos _zpos select 0) - (sin getdir _zpos * _x),(getpos _zpos select 1) - (cos getdir _zpos * _y), _z]

? _bird distance _zpos <= 30 : goto "Loop2"


goto "Loop"


_bird camsetpos [(getpos _spos select 0) - (sin getdir _spos * _x),(getpos _spos select 1) - (cos getdir _spos * _y), _z]

? _bird distance _spos <= 30:goto "Loop"


goto "Loop2"

Script By Mr-Murray

I can't get it works but one thing I notice is that if I try to spawn "seagull" it doesn't work if I spawn "hawks" it works.If someone can help me out thx

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