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Status Settings Menu Update - Domination

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Hello, I need some help with the domination status menu.

I've already added the code to this file to add a pilot class in x_client\x_settingsdialog.sqf - (Thx Grimes)

_str = "";
_[color="Red"]pil[/color] = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
if (!isNull _[color="Red"]pil[/color] && isPlayer _[color="Red"]pil[/color]) then {
	if (_str != "") then {_str = _str + ", "};
#ifdef __TT__
	if (side _art == playerSide) then {
	_str = _str + (if (alive _[color="Red"]pil[/color]) then {name _[color="Red"]pil[/color]} else {"(Dead)"});
#ifdef __TT__
} forEach [color="Red"]d_is_pilot[/color];

if (_str == "") then {_str = "No human players are pilots"};
__ctrl([color="Red"]2011[/color]) ctrlSetText _str;


Basically need to add an extra box there for the pilots to show up. If anyone knows it would be a great help.

Many thanks!

Edited by mycatsaid

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Since you are making a whole new box therefore a whole new section of script, you actually will want to change the _eng to _p or _pilot, something like that. Just for the pilot portion.

If you don't get your answer in a bit I'll take a look at the dialog and see if I can't figure it out.

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Ok well I found the code I needed. Basically did what you said Grimes in the first part.

Then found the rest of the code in x_dlg\SettingsDialog.hpp

		class [color="Red"]XD_PilotCaption[/color] : XC_RscText {
		x = 0.35;
		y = 0.75;
		w = 0.3;
		h = 0.1;
		sizeEx = 0.029;
		colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0};
		text = "[color="Red"]Pilot (player names)[/color]";
	class [color="Red"]XD_PilotTxt[/color] : XC_RscText {
		[color="Red"]idc = 2011;[/color]
		style = 16;
		lineSpacing = 1;
		colorbackground[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 0.4};
		x = 0.358;
		y = 0.82;
		w = 0.5;
		h = 0.04;
		sizeEx = 0.029;
		text = "";

Also instead of d_only_pilots_can_fly (which infact needed to be set as BAF_Pilot_MTP not the name of the pilot or when a pilot got in the heli he would be kicked and told you cannot fly since my servers runs pilot only option.

I had to create a new line in the i_client.sqf and add the following

// is pilot
d_is_pilot = ["[color="Red"]bravo_2[/color]","[color="Red"]alpha_5[/color]"];

That being the name of my 2 pilots alpha 5 and bravo 2.

Just to say the 2011 part is the given number and eng changed to pil we also talked about before.

Added that code then worked :D

Should be end result. (Althought I only put Pilot instead of Pilots but meh xD)

Thanks for ya help first of all Grimez!


Edited by mycatsaid

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