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How do i place houses or airfield?

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I downloaded this afghanistan map and it's empty. I would like to place some houses, roads (not the city generator) and airfield. How do i do this?


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you cannot do it in vanilla game, you can download addons from for example armaholic wich has houses etc in them wich you can manually place in either editor or ingame via script.

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You can't play generic houses and roads with the stock editor, you have to download an addon that puts those entities in the editor. Search 'em up at armaholic.

...Ninjad. :(

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You can place a gamelogic or an invisible helipad and write into its init-line:

if (isServer) then {obj = createVehicle ["[color="Red"]type[/color]", position this, [], 0, "NONE"]};

The type can be taken from a buildings list, such as




Yes, it is quite inconvenient for a beginner. And even more inconvenient, when you only have Arma2: Operation Arrowhead and not Arma2: "Chernarus".

Edited by RogueTrooper

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