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Arma ii: Reinforcements - can't hit anything

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I've recently bought ARMA II: Reinforcements with the BAF and Private Millitary expansions. On the back of the box it reads that one of the system requirements is Pentium 4 2.4ghz or faster. I have a Core 2 Duo 2.2,Geforce 8600GT 1gig graphics card, 4 gig ram.

I cant seem to hit anything at the shooting range even if i'm at point blank range. OR a target that i did not even aim for would just fall down? What the f!ck?

I really look forward to plaing this game, but i'm struggling in getting it to run nice and fast and to actually shoot something.

Please heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!


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First off, this is the wrong section. A2 Firing Range is not Arma2. :)

As for your problem, it sounds very much like you've triggered fade. Where did you buy the game from, and what country are you in?

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As MadDogX has states, it seems as though you've triggered FADE. FADE is an anti-piracy system built into the game which will slowly degrade the quality of your game over time.

Answering the questions MadDogX asked would be really helpful.

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Moved to the correct place and changed the thread title.

As MadDogX rightly asks, where did you purchase the game from? I don't believe the requirements of RFT ever said Pentium 4 2.40GHz or faster...

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I'm looking at the back of the Reinforcements retail edition and minimum requirements ask for Intel Dual-Core 2.4Ghz not P4

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