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AI V-22 Helicopter

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Hi, I've been looking for a way to have the ai fly the V-22 as a helicopter only and have found nothing. Can someone please help me out? Thanks!

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The MV-22 isn't a helicopter, it's a plane with large props that can VTOL.

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you can make it VTOL constantly by limiting speed, but the turn time of the osprey is then very, very slow.

for example this VTOL forever, you can adjust speed up or down to see what is max speed for VTOL:

while {true} do {
  osprey [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/limitSpeed"]limitSpeed [/url]50;
  sleep 0.1;

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Kylania is right it won't really behave like a chopper but you can sort of.

If you force it to fly slowly enough it will flip it's rotors upwards.

// speed = 15   // quite slow
// nul=[planename,speed] execvm "hover.sqf";
_plane = _this select 0;
_speed = _this select 1;
while {Alive _plane and (speed _plane >= _speed) } do
_xv = velocity _plane select 0;
_yv = velocity _plane select 1;
_zv = velocity _plane select 2;

_plane setvelocity [_xv/1.1,_yv/1.1,_zv];

sleep 0.2;

You can also make it land, so more info over here

You can make it land using VTOL

I didn't know that about limited speed, that looks better than using velocity.

Ah it slows it down to where it changes the rotor angle but doesn't bring it to a stop even using osprey limitSpeed 0;


Edited by F2k Sel

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I've recently being flying these unique aircraft around, from. Experience it seems that the rotors will tilt forward at about 150 kmh.

Is it possible to force it to Auto-hover? It doesn't act the same as a regular chopper, it just forces the rotors to stay vertical all the time. It won't even try to balance the aircraft, I'm not sure how the AI would react to this, but I presume their might possibly be an issue, it's worth a try though!


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Ive tried these, and none of them seem to work the whole time. It might work for half and them it will stop.

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just limitspeed and it will VTOL forever.

This is not working for me, it keeps speeding up and tilting down it's rotors, then back again at each waypoint and then rotors down again and so on.

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using this code in init of MV 22

_null = (vehicle this) spawn {
while {true} do {
	_this limitSpeed 50;
	sleep 0.1;
	hintSilent format["speed is %1",(round(speed _this))];

the Mv22 will keep VTOL´ing at ca 160 km/h, rotors tilt back and forth quite often.

using it on a heli or a car etc and it works flawlessly at 50 km/h, im asuming its the plane class that kicks in wich determines it to have a minimum speed to prevent stall or crash.

i remember in my not released update of parareinforce script, i scripted A10´s to follow a slow moving C130, though maybe it was around 160 speed i used.... actually i think i used 180 and that would make sense then...

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Well, sure, that's exactly what it was doing. I wouldn't really call 160m/s with constantly tilting rotors "flying like a helicopter" though. :)

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Could you possible maybe make it act like another helicopter? As in having be a CH-47F, but look like a MV-22?


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What exactly did you need this for? A cutscene or something? If that's the case you could use the UnitCapture/UnitPlay feature. YOU actually fly it just the way you want while recording it. Then you have an AI pilot play it back. Should work I think.

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name the Osprey mv22

name the Huey heli

and place this in the init of either unit

mv22 attachto [heli,[0,0,1.35]];heli hideObject true;mv22 engineon true

place the waypoints on the heli not the mv-22 that's there for the ride.

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What exactly did you need this for? A cutscene or something? If that's the case you could use the UnitCapture/UnitPlay feature. YOU actually fly it just the way you want while recording it. Then you have an AI pilot play it back. Should work I think.

I mostly got this idea from Transformers 3 (:yay:) where they carry Airborne soldiers into Chicago. Thanks!

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unitCapture and the whole recording system is soooo fun to play with, and can give some surprisingly epic results.

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