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How to Make AI Helicopter Gunners Lock Missiles?

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I play around in the Armory a lot whenever circumstances/time constraints prevent me from getting on MP. One thing that's frustrated me is that I can't get the gunner to properly use ATGM's like the Hellfire and TOW. I tell the AI to switch to ATGMs and use the 2 menu to select a target. Then I press the fire button and the AI shoots the missile off into the middle of nowhere.

The only way I can hit targets is by using Manual Fire and doing it myself. How do I make the AI lock targets?

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In an AH-64D Apache as Pilot:

Ctrl-F, Ctrl-F, TAB, Left Click

In an M2A3 ERA Bradley IFV as Commander:

Ctrl-F, Ctrl-F, TAB, Left Click

Ctrl-F twice switches your AI gunner to Hellfires/TOWs. TAB targets and locks the unit (in my case a T-72) and Left Click instructs your gunner to fire.

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I was doing that too. It wasn't working. Might be because I use ACE most of the time?

On a different note, the game doesn't seem to be detecting my keybinds for Optics Mode. I can't look down the sights of vehicle-mounted and crew-served weapons unless they have optics like an armored vehicle's weapon systems.

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Yeah, ACE probably would work differently since targeting is quite a different process with that mod.

For the M2A3 Bradley the process is:

Ctrl-F, Ctrl-F to switch to missiles. Then find the tank and right click to instruct your gunner to target it. Then Ctrl-LeftClick to order it to fire. With Cannon or Machine Gun simply targeting it will cause the gunner to open fire, but Missiles requires the further confirmation to fire.

For the AH64-D Longbow the process is:

For AGM-114L Laser Guided Hellfire II's, Ctrl-F once to select the 114Ls, then enter Optics Mode which is a front looking TV view. Pan (moving the helo to move the camera, so best done at slow near hover speed and attitude) the view till you see the target and right click to lock your laser designator on it. The target will have a mixed green circle and diamond icon. Use Ctrl-F to order your gunner to fire.

For the AGM-114K TV Guided Hellfire IIs use Ctrl-F twice to select the 114Ks, then enter Optics Mode. Slew your view to near the target and right click to lock it. Your camera view will lock on the target and not move when you rotate. Use Ctrl-F to order your gunner to fire.

Edited by kylania

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Got it working in an AH-1Z (AGM-114) today. Thanks for the help!

I can't get CSW optics to work though. I have to guess where the bullet will go....

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