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Man say random sound

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I have a ton of different sounds which I've set up in the description.ext file and they all play fine.

Now I want to set up triggers so that when enemy walk into the trigger it activates a script with

nul = [thislist select 0] execVM "AIShout.sqf"

Now in AIShout.sqf I have the following...

_man = this select 0;

_sound = ["af_attack1","af_attack2","af_attack3"] call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
_man say _sound;

Which for some reason doesn't seem to work. When I change the say command to playsound then the sound plays except the sound is heard no matter where you are. I want the man that activated the trigger to say the sound so that it's only heard loudly when up close and it's quiet/unhearable when far away.

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_man = _this select 0;

_sounds = ["af_attack1","af_attack2","af_attack3"];

_sound = _sounds select floor random count _sounds;

_man say _sound;

Edited by Celery

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Thanks a lot, that works perfectly...

Only problem is that even using say the sound can be heard over stupidly long distances. The player needs to be a good 1000 metres before the sound is relatively quiet and nearly double that before the sound can't be heard at all.

Is there a way to make it slightly more realistic volume wise? Or should I just alter the volume of the sounds?

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Change the volume in description.ext to like 0.1.

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_man say [_sound, 2];

This will limit the say to 2 "titles" from the source. Not entirely sure how large a "tile" is, but you can play around with it.

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Alernatively... dunno if this works in sqf, you can do:

_ce = ceil (random 3)

_man say format["af_attack%1",(_ce)]

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I went with Celery's suggestion, works perfectly. I tried the whole titles thing but seemed more trouble then it's worth so I just changed the sound in the description.ext and that's worked perfectly.

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