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script commands dump from client

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To avoid having to ask anymore dumb questions in the futrue maybe ican get a list of commands for scripting from the client. i dont have an internet connection atm for my pc so iam typing this from a phone. since my pc hhas no net icant really view the list of script commands on the net and the way this phone formats webpages is impossible to read the list of commands. so i wonder if i can compile my own lists from reading pbos and maybe even some kind of client debugger dump. i want to find all scripti.g commands, parameters and possible entries. for example: i can see in init fields on editor group setbehaviour behaviour but i dont know the entry for behaviour values. maybe they are listed in one of the games pbos? ihave cbo so ican decomp them just need to know where to look.. also where can i find cfgMagazines?

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There are hundreds of scripting commands! If you want to do this, you are going to have to buy an internet!

Anyway, the full list can be found here.

Full list of Arma 2 scripting commands

Having this list won't stop you from asking dumb questions though - I have the list and ask them all the time AND I have been programming for over 20 years ;-)

EDIT ------>

If you are after a list of configs then your best best is dev-heaven - there is a full config class browser there...

Class Browser

You're gonna need a bigger phone ;-)

Edited by Jedra

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Here mate.... this might help you view the commands without an internet connection. http://www.mediafire.com/file/cv3ktxtfc50vd4g/wiki.zip

I'm assuming you can download it to your phone and then get it on to your PC.

I used a freeware program called HTTrack. I just randomly chose it... and captured the Scripting Commands page with 1 deep links, so all the commands should link properly. They appear to... so should be fine.

Extract the .zip file to your hard drive somewhere. Look for Category_Scripting_Commands_ArmA2.html. Create a shortcut for it somewhere and use that to access the commands in your browser.

It's rough but should accomplish what you need.

EDIT: Here's a tip mate.... nobody likes reading what you posted. It's a bit hard on the eyes. Use capitals, sentences and paragraphs.... you'll get more help that way.

Edited by twirly
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