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ArmA:CO Wont start!!!

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Im gonna go straight to the point. I downloaded ArmA:Combat Operations demo because im not yet sure i want to buy the game. When i click on the shortcut it goes to a box and checks of multiple smaller boxes then it goes to a black screen and begins loading. Then the screen goes back to the desktop and says "ArmA has stoped working A problem has caused the progam to close windows will notify you when it has found a solution to the problem" I have tried re-instaling the progam and it still didnt work :mad: Please Help!!!!:confused::confused::confused:

---------- Post added at 03:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 AM ----------

Im gonna go straight to the point. I downloaded ArmA:Combat Operations demo because im not yet sure i want to buy the game. When i click on the shortcut it goes to a box and checks of multiple smaller boxes then it goes to a black screen and begins loading. Then the screen goes back to the desktop and says "ArmA has stoped working A problem has caused the progam to close windows will notify you when it has found a solution to the problem" I have tried re-instaling the progam and it still didnt work :mad: Please Help!!!!:confused::confused::confused:
And my drivers are all up to date and my system specs reach the recomended specs

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1. How much ram do you have and what's your OS

2. You should think about ArmA 2\OA, much better

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There is an Arma 2 Combined Operations demo?!

suspicious... :386:

ARMA: CO can refer to ARMA: Combat Operations too y'know... :rolleyes:

As for the issue, lke ArmAriffic says - You should give more details as to what specs you are trying to run this on. It makes it easier to help when people know if it's the game or your PC which has caused the issue to arise.

Have you tried other demos? I was recently playing the ARMA:CO demo myself, version 1.06 and it worked fine..More than I can say about the full version :p But that matter is (hopefully) being resolved now.

http://www.armedassault.com/dwnl_demo.html - I got my demo from the first link, if that helps, could you try downloading it again?

Maybe the download or install was corrupt.

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my system specs reach the recomended specs

and what are they?

what is your operating system

what is your CPU

What is your graphics card

How much Ram do you have

How much power supply do you have in watts

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My computer specs are...

Windows Xp Professional

Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz

2.96GB of RAM I did have win7 64 bit but we had some problems but i am getting win7 Ultimate. I hope that this helps!!!:confused::confused::confused:

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

My computer specs are...

Windows Xp Professional

Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz

2.96GB of RAM I did have win7 64 bit but we had some problems but i am getting win7 Ultimate. I hope that this helps!!!:confused::confused::confused:

and i couldnt find anything about my graphics card, sorry

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Do you have any programs where you can scan your computer for registry errors, hard drive defragmentation, ect,.?

I suggest you find out what your graphics card is, do this by go to

On the desktop of your computer:

start>settings>control panel>display>settings>advanced

and you should see the type of card you got.

Knowing if your card meets the requirements are important, your other specs seem ok.

as for a program check this one out:


this is a scan, its for the program system mechanic, I use it all the time, my buddy who is a freelance computer tech reccomended it to me above all others.

I all tell you this as there could be other stuff going on with your computer that may be preventing the demo from working properly.

Another suggestion is to download the Arma2OA demo from the official site:


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Please install the latest version of DirectX.

DirectX Download

Also, Speccy is a great program for viewing your computer specs.

Edited by Nicholas

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Thank you gunter i will due try wat u said and i all ready updated to the latest directx


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Your welcome, this is not a game to be missed, i hope you get the issues straightened out,

as if the demo dont work for you then it very well may be the full game will do the same or at least give you problems running.

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I Found it!!!:bounce3::bounce3::bounce3::D:D:D For Graphics i have a Intel GMA x4500 integrated graphics. Now i hope you can come up with a solution to my problem

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you are running an actual computer, and not a laptop right?

ohhh not integrated graphics :eek:, thats your problem right there my friend, heres a question that was asked with your exact graphics card:


So all in all, until you upgrade and get an actual dedicated card that you can actually pull out or rather install its going to be a no go for the Arma games.

If you really want to be in the arma series, youll definatley want to get Arma3 when it comes out next year, and I guarentee like me and many other folks on the forums here will be upgrading or getting new computers, i suggest you get a new motherboard with an nvidia graphics card, your other specs for your computer like ram, and cpu speed are fine, but Arma games are very cpu intensive, as well as very demanding on the gpu (graphics card).

I hope that clears some things up for you, and I hate to break it to you like that but do yourself a favor

and upgrade you will be very happy you did.

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