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Do your developers know the meaning of beta testing?

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I'd also like to point out an important feature of the ArmA series.

ArmA is not player-centric. Meaning the player isn't required to fulfill all objectives by themselves. An objective only needs to be completed and it can be completed by anyone, including AI.

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I'm going to lay it out for you, in simple terms.

You just walked, into an evangelical church, ... and told everyone: there is no :jesus:

What'd you expect :D

A shit storm. :D

Honestly. I understand it's fun for you guys. my experience is different.

Don't take it personal, but the first impression of the full game is pretty bad, and the impression I got from the free version was killer.

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

Order yourself to open fire? You just... fire. I think there's more to learn :)

my icon is marked as hold fire. therefore any thing i command is going to hold fire. so my group gets in an apc and I can't command them to fire at anything.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

I'd also like to point out an important feature of the ArmA series.

ArmA is not player-centric. Meaning the player isn't required to fulfill all objectives by themselves. An objective only needs to be completed and it can be completed by anyone, including AI.

when they listen to you. you have to order them individually to go to an objective. and god help you if you want them to mount up. they check our base out for 3 minutes to make certain there's no one in the grass.

That seems to be on the least paranoid combat setting too.

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Getting AI into vehicles can be a PITA no doubt.

I can deal with that for the most part. i've figured out if you regroup them and then let them in, they take their sweet time.

these are the types that are annoying but I can get around them. the others though.

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Frankly, the raging attitude you displayed in your first post deserved the responses you got, and then you started insulting people and I'm surprised this thread got to 3 pages before it was reported.

When you decide to calm down and be somewhat constructive & mature, feel free to open a new thread if you cannot find ones that answer your problems using the search function.

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