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"Free" Download Counts --> Player´s

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I Just wanna know,

we at DAO, hosting the Free Version from the start and count alone on our Mirror ~1500 Downloads,

i cant say it exactly cause i had a reboot in this time could be over 2000


when i check the Playeramount on http://arma2.swec.se/server/list

i cannot really see that we got a massive plus,

so where they are?

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I'm having trouble fully understanding your post, but I'll reply to what I think you are saying.

I think all the people that downloaded ArmA 2 free either just tried the editor out and got too confused so they quit or they didn't like the low quality textures so they quit or the game was just too hard so they quit. There could even be the thing that people just downloaded the installer, but haven't actually played it yet.

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People are not playing games 24/7 you know.

I imagine it isn't different than with AA2 multiplayer.

People gather on their own server, they play, then they stop playing, then they gather later.

Just because 634 people are playing AA2 OA now doesn't mean that only 634 people bought it.

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