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Get out of the truck!

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ok. Im sure you have all played MOHAA. Im making a mission SORT of like the first one. But in a different setting and different objectives. Well i want all my men to jump out of the trucks. But only the driver disembarks. Because i made an empty Opel Truck so its a german one, and i put moveincargo for all the soldiers. But the soldiers arent grouped otherwise if i group them stupid things happens. So im asking, how do i get them to jump out? because only the driver gets out at the Get Out waypoint. And if i give them all a get out waypoint each, nothign happens. Please help.

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This is the same method that I suggested could be used to get the team to disembark from a boat.

1: Place some gamelogics around where the truck will be when you want to disembark. One for each team-member. Give them different names (for example lz1 to lz4). Also give different names to your team members (for example p1 to p4)

2: Place a trigger around the gamelogics.

3: In the activation field on the trigger type:

p1 setpos (getpos lz1); p2 setpos (getpos lz2); p3 setpos (getpos lz3); p4 setpos (getpos lz4)

This will probably work every time. Better than messing around with waypoints.

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Put Transport Unload waypoint for the truck.

It will then kick the passengers out.

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Laurie Thorn, i tried that method and it doesnt work. Because the truck is an EAST truck, and im west so i had to put a west guy as the driver.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> if i group them stupid things happens<span id='postcolor'>

Could you BTW tell what those stupid things are?

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Doesn't 'unassignvehicle dude1' etc. work?


Dr. Charm

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"Could you BTW tell what those stupid things are? "

Ok well the stupid things are:

The truck wont follow its waypoint and just swerves back and forth, and then just drives anywhere. It just doesnt do anything it should do.

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