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Hud Dorph

Didi server performance (pagefile)

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My dedicated server have had a change in behaveiour. Earlier it hardly used harddisc when running, but lately i have had some lags on the server and i noticed that harddisc are running a lot more that it used to do. I dont lag ram for the server as i has 8gb and does not run anything but arma2 co server + a teamspeak3 server. I never thought it worth the trouble to put an ssd in the server as i checked ealier that it hardly used the harddisc, but that dont seem to be the case anymore.

Anyone else noticed increased disc activity on dedicated server ?

Would any recommend disabling pagefile ?

Edited by [HUD]Dorph

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We are running linux box, and yes, our server ate up all 4gigs of RAM. Lately it stabilized at 3Gigs give or take. But this is very abnormal, and it will eventually start swapping

25 people on box.

$ free
            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       4109520    3990772     118748          0       7296     592260
-/+ buffers/cache:    3391216     718304
Swap:      3903752      15380    3888372

Edited by nomad_man
add the stats

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Dedi Server:
Core I7 [email protected]
8gb ram
win7 64 

Basicly abnormal is a non ServerOS for a Server :drinking:

Windows use the swapfile everytime (kernelstuff ect) and disable swap is not a good idea =>never!

My suggestion (check):

=>maybe sandy bridge bug in chipset (S-ATA issue)

=>turbo boost settings (BIOS)

=>HT settings (BIOS)

=>firmware from SSD / maybe missing patch from Microsoft

=>strange OC

=>processor sheduling

=>secu-sw (fucking suite running?)

alternative you can check the r/w with DiskMon from ms-technet


...change to linux-dedi for maximum fun :D (SCNR)

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Could it be TeamSpeak.

Since you the share the network.

Not that teamSpeak takes up all the resources, but with A2 and TS on the same line, it might get "crowded"

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Its not ts3 i already tried to turn it off. Also the server have lots of b/w 80Mbitdown 50Mbit up. Its def a problem as i see in the recource monitor that arma2co-server constantly loading/reading all kinds of pbo's. It shall be said that this problem have come after i went from arma2OA-server to Arma2CO-server, although i play a mission with OA-only contents. Think ill try to go back to clean OA and see what happens.

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