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Shut Jo Mouth, Foo!

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I'd like to see you do BETTER that DEVIL!

All you guys do I sComplain, Complain, Complain.

He's GIVING you NEW (Sorta) Vehicles, BE HAPPY!!

(I like the Fire-Truck, you really took your time on that!)

The Muffler looks SWEET on the BDRM.

But, Instead of police, make them SWAT, having a SWAT BDRM would be S-W-E-E-T! (And filling 'em in with BlackOp)

I have one more thing to say to you Devil:

With every new vehicle you make, it seems as if you're not taking your time, and they're starting to look a little Sloppy, for instance, (I know, i know, I'm starting to complain, but don't get me wrong, I COLD *NEVER* DO WHAT YOUR DOING!, just thinkg of this as Advice)

Where was I?

Oh yes,

This may sound like much, but Maybe write "Police" in Russian, (only for the Russian vehicles, of course)

And add a Police (Or SWAT) logo to the Side of the Kiwoia Warrior, and get rid of that Police logo on the Roof of the jeep, (It IS canvas after all, just think about it)

...And how 'bout a turret for the BDRM?

To wrap this all up, Devil, you're doing a great job, don't listen to those other people, and BIS, if you REALLY ARE going to ban him (Wich is probably a lie) don't, please.

I can just picture flying a UH-60, looking down on the road below, and seeing "POLICE" written on a jeep... smile.gif

P.S. I may be on of your.. uh, biggest.. Fans. (?) but, if you want to gain more respect, Maybe.. Stop lying? But seriously, just my 2 Cents. smile.gif

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Devil has good addons like the X-mas tree and expecially the vehicle addon(u can always use more coll painted vehicles) but................Devil isn't God. GOD IS GOD! CHIRST get it mo fo!

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Any add-on is useful to someone. People like Devil are doing us all a favour by introducing new things to the game.

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Devil is a very bad person (about to say g*y f*****r but decided not to) because:

He doesn't introduce new things to the game at all. They are just re-textured old ones.


"Actually I did not do any of the textures, thats not my thing."

I have heard that said at least twice by devil.

And what was with that picture of a wolf? And that picture of Hawaiian island?

they're cack. They are both fakes and he is never going to release either!

(devil himself has said that the Hawaii was a joke)

and the picture of a wolf is just a civilian with some kind of cack wolf head and hands.

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the only people that can introduce new things in the game are BIS at the moment. The best peopel can do at the moment is retexture.

Have you ever made any new stuff for OFP Jamiesia.........didnt think u had. so shut the f**k up you ignorant little s**t. ibet you cant ever use the mission editor.

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*Have you ever made any new stuff for OFP Jamiesia.........didnt think u had. so shut the f**k up you ignorant little s**t. ibet you cant ever use the mission editor. *


What else do you expect from a 14 year old jealous kid.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 9:01 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

He doesn't introduce new things to the game at all. They are just re-textured old ones.<span id='postcolor'>


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....... why do you laugh devil? thats true.

+ I have actually made some very kick ass missions on ofp. if you want any just ask.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from BIN LADEN on 3:39 am on Dec. 11, 2001

shut ur mouth Jamesia u party pooper u =)

<span id='postcolor'>

I...errr...love your name...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Sid on 1:35 am on Nov. 28, 2001

I'd like to see you do BETTER that DEVIL!

All you guys do I sComplain, Complain, Complain.

He's GIVING you NEW (Sorta) Vehicles, BE HAPPY!!

(I like the Fire-Truck, you really took your time on that!)

The Muffler looks SWEET on the BDRM.

But, Instead of police, make them SWAT, having a SWAT BDRM would be S-W-E-E-T! (And filling 'em in with BlackOp)

I have one more thing to say to you Devil:

With every new vehicle you make, it seems as if you're not taking your time, and they're starting to look a little Sloppy, for instance, (I know, i know, I'm starting to complain, but don't get me wrong, I COLD *NEVER* DO WHAT YOUR DOING!, just thinkg of this as Advice)

Where was I?

Oh yes,

This may sound like much, but Maybe write "Police" in Russian, (only for the Russian vehicles, of course)

And add a Police (Or SWAT) logo to the Side of the Kiwoia Warrior, and get rid of that Police logo on the Roof of the jeep, (It IS canvas after all, just think about it)

...And how 'bout a turret for the BDRM?

To wrap this all up, Devil, you're doing a great job, don't listen to those other people, and BIS, if you REALLY ARE going to ban him (Wich is probably a lie) don't, please.

I can just picture flying a UH-60, looking down on the road below, and seeing  "POLICE" written on a jeep...  smile.gif

P.S. I may be on of your.. uh, biggest.. Fans. (?) but, if you want to gain more respect, Maybe.. Stop lying? But seriously, just my 2 Cents.   smile.gif

<span id='postcolor'>

Being a persons biggest fan is like...scary!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 8:23 pm on Dec. 11, 2001

....... why do you laugh devil? thats true.

<span id='postcolor'>

Oh yes, I'm horrible at addons.

Can you guys believe that I can only change textures and the configuration!? Jeez, I can't believe I suck so much.

Yes, go download all the addons with new models. Oh wait I forgot, WE CAN'T MAKE NEW MODELS!!!!

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Jamesia, if u don't like Devil (or his addons) why post on the forum?

It's blatantly obvious that NOBODY respects your opinion anymore, cos all u do is badmouth the good work that has been done by Devil.

Besides, as Devil said, WE CAN'T ADD NEW MODELS so the best we can do is change the textures and configurations....

Which, uh, is what..... Devil.... is.... doing....

Can't you get that into your thick skull?

P.S. Devil, keep up the good work, ignore that f*cker

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 9:01 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

He doesn't introduce new things to the game at all. They are just re-textured old ones.

<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 10:08 pm on Dec. 11, 2001

yeah. well u act like you have made new models.

<span id='postcolor'>


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On a quiet winters night all was still, nothing moved except the Devil to deafen all with his booming laugh....................... and then all was still...........

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devil is doing a good job ok although some things are not as usefull but then dont use them

the only thing devil needs to do (and devil dont get me wrong ) is finish the addons he is making and not starting of a new one before the one is finished further i only can say DEVIL keep up the work !! (by the way when is your hawaian island ready )

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from supergrunt on 1:46 pm on Dec. 12, 2001

the only thing devil needs to do   (and devil dont get me wrong ) is finish the addons he is making and not starting of a new one before the one is finished   further i only can say  DEVIL keep up the work !!  (by the way when is your hawaian island ready )<span id='postcolor'>


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anyway I don't give a s**t about devil. The only reason that I am still posting on this forum is because I like this forum. It is the best one around,

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*sneezes up own lung and eats it again*


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...I'm not actually his biggest fan... but a fan, Devil, YOU DID do some WRoNG things on this fourm, but lets say, we'll give ya another chance, SO DON'T SCREW IT UP!

P.S. I like how you "Upgraded" all the vehicles with spedometers and stuff, I was hoping BIS would release but, THANKS!!

(You know bis...)

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I dislike the stuff Devil makes

(I dont mind Devil him self, just what he makes)

You should not call them addons but Modifications.

You simply do not add much new stuff, You take existing stuff and modify it... Like that Vehicle pack, Default Vehicles with new paint.

They are modifications, minor ones

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