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Change helicopter Unit Class

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Hey guys!

I just downloaded the NH90 Addon Helicopter.

I can add it via Editor, Faction Empty / Air.

But I want to add it within MCC - via 3D Editor which hasnt any Empty Faction in it.

Also I want the EVAC Feature used with the NH90 in MCC.

What do I need to change to place the UH90 within another category of units?

I want to place it within "Germany" or my custom Unit Place "Bundeswehr" which has been created by BWMod.


//Produced from mikero's Dos Tools using dll 3.42



#define _ARMA_

//Class C:/Users/Charlie/Desktop/cpbo/modem_nh90/modem_nh90/config.bin{

class CfgPatches


class modem_NH90


units[] = {"modem_NH90"};

weapons[] = {"modem_nh90_laser"};

requiredVersion = 1.0;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir"};



class CfgMovesBasic


class DefaultDie;

class ManActions


modem_nh90_pilot = "modem_nh90_pilot";



class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic


class States


class Crew;

class KIA_AH6_Pilot;

class modem_nh90_pilot: Crew


file = "\modem_nh90\modem_nh90_pilot.rtm";

interpolateTo[] = {"KIA_AH6_Pilot",1};




class CfgMagazines


class VehicleMagazine;

class modem_nh90_laser_mag: VehicleMagazine


scope = 2;

displayName = "Laser Designator";

ammo = "Laserbeam";

count = 1;

initSpeed = 30;



class CfgWeapons


class Default;

class modem_nh90_laser: Default


scope = 2;

displayName = "Laser Designator";

primary = 10;

magazines[] = {"modem_nh90_laser_mag"};



class Turrets;

class MainTurret;

class ViewPilot;

class CfgVehicles


class Helicopter;

class modem_NH90: Helicopter


selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka";

selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur";

selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka";

selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur";

displayName = "NH90 TTH (Laser)";

model = "\modem_nh90\modem_nh90.p3d";

picture = "\modem_nh90\TTH.paa";

Icon = "\modem_nh90\icomap_nh90_CA.paa";

mapSize = 13;

scope = 2;

nameSound = "chopper";

side = 1;

extCameraPosition[] = {0,2.5,-20};

armor = 40;

cost = 10000000;

soundEngine[] = {"\modem_nh90\sounds\engine2.wav",35.481346,1};

soundEnviron[] = {"\modem_nh90\sounds\HelicoEnv.ogg",0.031623,1};

soundCrash[] = {"\modem_nh90\padak_dopad",0.031623,1};

soundLandCrash[] = {"\modem_nh90\padak_dopad",0.031623,1};

soundWaterCrash[] = {"\modem_nh90\padak_dopadvoda",3.162278,1};

soundGetIn[] = {"\modem_nh90\sounds\getin.wav",10.0,1};

soundGetOut[] = {"\modem_nh90\sounds\getout.wav",10.0,1};

maxSpeed = 320;

crew = "SoldierWPilot";

ejectDeadDriver = 0;

ejectDeadCargo = 0;

driverCompartments = 0;

hasdriver = 1;

hasgunner = 1;

castCargoShadow = 1;

driverAction = "modem_nh90_pilot";

cargoAction[] = {"M113_Cargo01","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo01","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo01","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo01","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02","M113_Cargo02"};

memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo";

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir";

cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1","Compartment1"};

transportSoldier = 16;

typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierWPilot","SoldierWPilot","SoldierWAT","SoldierWAT"};

occludeSoundsWhenIn = 0.562341;

obstructSoundsWhenIn = 0.316228;

minMainRotorDive = -6;

maxMainRotorDive = 10;

neutralMainRotorDive = -2.6;

minBackRotorDive = -10;

maxBackRotorDive = 6;

neutralBackRotorDive = -2.6;

gearRetracting = 1;

gearUpTime = 3.33;

gearDownTime = 2.0;

landingSpeed = 50.0;

crewVulnerable = 1;

memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";

memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";

memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";

memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";

selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";

damageResistance = 0.00593;

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";

memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir";

laserScanner = 1;

class Turrets: Turrets


class MainTurret: MainTurret


gunBeg = "muzzle";

gunEnd = "chamber";

gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1";

weapons[] = {"modem_nh90_laser"};

magazines[] = {"modem_nh90_laser_mag"};

gunnerAction = "modem_nh90_pilot";

gunnerOpticsModel = "\modem_nh90\optika_nh90_gunner.p3d";

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

ejectDeadGunner = 0;

primary = 1;

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";

minElev = -60;

maxElev = 10;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -70;

maxTurn = 70;

initTurn = 0;



class ViewPilot: ViewPilot


minAngleY = -85;

maxAngleY = 85;


class HitEngine


armor = 0.65;

material = 51;

name = "motor";

visual = "motor";

passThrough = 1;


threat[] = {0,0,0};

transportMaxWeapons = 100;

transportMaxMagazines = 500;

dammageHalf[] = {"\modem_nh90\m\transp.paa","\modem_nh90\m\transp_1.paa","\modem_nh90\m\transp.paa","\modem_nh90\m\transp_1.paa"};

dammageFull[] = {"\modem_nh90\m\transp.paa","\modem_nh90\m\transp_2.paa","\modem_nh90\m\transp.paa","\modem_nh90\m\transp_2.paa"};

class Damage


tex[] = {};

mat[] = {"modem_nh90\nh90_basic.rvmat","modem_nh90\nh90_basic.rvmat","modem_nh90\nh90_destruct.rvmat","modem_nh90\nh90_1_basic.rvmat","modem_nh90\nh90_1_basic.rvmat","modem_nh90\nh90_1_destruct.rvmat"};


class Reflectors


class Left


color[] = {0.8,0.8,1.0,1.0};

ambient[] = {0.07,0.07,0.07,1.0};

position = "L svetlo";

direction = "konec L svetla";

hitpoint = "L svetlo";

selection = "L svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 1.0;


class Right


color[] = {0.8,0.8,1.0,1.0};

ambient[] = {0.07,0.07,0.07,1.0};

position = "P svetlo";

direction = "konec P svetla";

hitpoint = "P svetlo";

selection = "P svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 1.0;



class Library


libTextDesc = "NHI NH90\nThe NHI NH90 is a medium sized, twin-engine, multi-role military helicopter manufactured by NHIndustries and Helibras. It has been ordered by several nations, and entered service from 2007.\nThe primary role of the TTH version is the transport of 20 troops or more than 2,500 kg of cargo, heliborne operations plus search and rescue. It can quickly be adapted to MEDEVAC/CASEVAC missions by fitting up to 12 stretchers or cargo delivery capability.\nAdditional roles include medical evacuation (12 stretchers), special operations, electronic warfare, airborne command post, parachuting, VIP transport and flight training.";





heres the config - cant find the position which cares about the unit category!

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Hey guys!

I just downloaded the NH90 Addon Helicopter.

I can add it via Editor, Faction Empty / Air.

But I want to add it within MCC - via 3D Editor which hasnt any Empty Faction in it.

Also I want the EVAC Feature used with the NH90 in MCC.

What do I need to change to place the UH90 within another category of units?

I want to place it within "Germany" or my custom Unit Place "Bundeswehr" which has been created by BWMod.

heres the config - cant find the position which cares about the unit category!

About config... Seems this addon was made for ARMA. Here is no "faction" parameter. If you want add this helicopter in your faction - you need add this parameter. Also here is no "VehicleClass" parameter. And pilots and cargo units classes from ARMA.

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which parameter do I need to add exactly? Can I just add it or do I need to look after anything first?

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which parameter do I need to add exactly? Can I just add it or do I need to look after anything first?

vehicleClass = "name_of_your_vehicle_class";

As you say before, you already have your own faction. So, for faction-parameter you need add only name of this faction. About vehicleclass: if you have your own class - add name of it in this parameter, or add name of any default class (like "air").

Also you need change values in next parameters:

typicalCargo[] = {"class_name_of_typycal_cargo_unit","class_name_of_typycal_cargo_unit", etc...};

Edited by DAP

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Also you need change values in next parameters:

typicalCargo[] = {"class_name_of_typycal_cargo_unit","class_name_of_typycal_cargo_unit", etc...};

Is it bad to dont add this parameter?

Because I'm using MCC - I just will dropt that helicopter empty or with that default mcc crew which is civil to dont get any conflicts with sides I think...

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Is it bad to dont add this parameter?

Because I'm using MCC - I just will dropt that helicopter empty or with that default mcc crew which is civil to dont get any conflicts with sides I think...

Yes. But if will necessary to use this helicopter no as empty? Better, if you care about all possible situations.

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