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SQF Editor

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Saw "JDK required"; have JRE but not JDK; downloaded the editor; installed; ran.


p.s. Eclipse plugin? Ooh, shiny idea!

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This is great, came back after waiting for memory leaks to become stable. Have been using it for a while now.

It gives me exactly the kind of overview I need when working on one or more missions with lots of scripts. If you spend a lot of time with missions that have more than one or two scripts. Check this out!

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Hey, i've been using this a while. Now ArmA 3 is out, ever thought about allowing support for the new ArmA 3 commands?

ps. I know i've posted in another thread for a similar tool (which i have not used). It would be nice to see support for either of them for ArmA 3.

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Hey, i've been using this a while. Now ArmA 3 is out, ever thought about allowing support for the new ArmA 3 commands?

ps. I know i've posted in another thread for a similar tool (which i have not used). It would be nice to see support for either of them for ArmA 3.

Use this one for A3 (and for A2): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20194

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SQF Editor does not work with the new JDK, I updated my netbeans etc which I use for work and the sqf editor decided to just die on its opening screen.

Same problem for me :/

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As I really loved this editor, I modified this SQF Editor a bit. It now works with all NetBeans Versions but is not longer a standalone :) Credits still go to the original creator.

It's missing the new commands but I'd like to have the authors permission before I add these.

It's able to open older projects aswell as NetBeans projects that didn't use this SQF Editor.


1 - Download NetBeans (doesn't matter which) [ https://netbeans.org/downloads/ ]

2 - Download the Editor [ https://www.dropbox.com/s/eepd7g0kjsosoe9/SQF%20Editor.zip ]

3 - Directly unzip the "SQF Editor.zip" in your NetBeans Installation folder !!! [ i.e. C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.2 ]

4 - Create a shortcut of the "sqfeditor.exe" in the /bin/ folder of your NetBeans Install folder and place it on your desktop.

Enjoy :)

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