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For God's sake, how many times can people post the VBS link?

(Edited by Damage Inc at 8:08 pm on Dec. 14, 2001)

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I was under the impressio nthat us normal people wont see anything of VBS? So not much to get excited about perhaps? sad.gif

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Acording to what i read !! they said "a special version is being prepared to the USMC" or something... This opens up some hope !!

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I'd like to see some of those vehicles, especially the LAV ported to OFP. Obvisouly they are using the same engine and the models exist. Might get to see them in an addon pack.

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I think the plane physics are extremly improve maybe even flyable

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Sorry but they won't release or prot the major part of VBS to OFP - i got this information from some "internal source". Just try to forget those nice pics...

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Oh. come on !!

At least the huey !!

I read that they couldn't put into our OFP the "CLASSIFIED" things and vehicles!!

( Those we will put in!!!)

But the things not classified... theyre free to put in !!

However!! VBS has to have some Very big changes to the game engine... meaning that without a major upgrade they cant be put in !!

Ospreys, harriers, hueys and others they can put in just like they did the other addons!!!

At least this is what i think of this!!! I might be wrong !!

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And probably the internal surce you speak of... is your ass hole... LOL !! I might be wrong, but if so give me some proof ( not fabricated please ) !!!

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