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Phantom Six

Phantom Six's 2/4 Coop Missions

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Created By: Phantom Six

Credits to: -Celery for Bandage Script

-Tophe for GuardPost script

Features: -Stealth Coop, Assassination, Sniper missions, Sabotage, and more.

-Choose the difficulty you want (the harder the more enemies and the tougher kinds will come)

-Choose either 2 player coop or 4 player coop (if you set 2 and and joined the 4 player slots, you will be teleported out of the mission zone)

-Auto SaveGame on some checkpoints

Notes: -Do not disable AI or else the mission will fail

-If your partner dies, its mission fail so make sure he lives

-The AI will work on some missions, but not on all


Dropping Nightfall (OA): Sabotage mission in the night where you got to paradrop out of a C130 and destroy two scud missiles. After that you must escape to the extraction point (2000 meters away). You can go on foot or you can check some of the villages for a getaway vehicle if there is any. On normal and below should be a piece of cake. On insane, a helicopter will hunt for you if you destroy the scuds. AI do not work on this mission for they can't jump out of the plane and paradrop.

Armaholic mirror:

- Dropping Nightfall Co-02/04

Edited by Phantom Six

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Oops, I forgot to add the first aid modules. UPDATE: Added BIS first aid module to Dropping Nightfall.

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Is anyone interested for me to continue working on this and creating more missions for this? If yes then, I can try to continue, but I'll need some ideas (stealth, sniper, nightops, assassination, sabotage, steal car/chopper kind of things are the main things going for this). If no, then I guess I'll go work on something else on my spare time.

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Just want to let you know I finally got Combined Ops and have downloaded this mission. I'll let you know how it goes when I've played it. :)

I'm also curious as to why you decided to set this hard limitation between 2 and 4 players. Does the difficulty scale?

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Oi this an old thread man. I just kinda experimented with some 2 player / 4 player limitation for smaller size coop groups because back before I played on Comrade in Arms session I usually don't ever get more players than 2-4 so I experimented with this. Imo, these missions are ehhh, not so polished, you should check the Phantom Mission Packs instead, much more polished. Would you like me to some kind of conversion for these missions over to the mission packs instead?

*The Scud Sabotage missions on my other pack is kind of the same model as the Dropping Nightfall mission here minus the jumping out of an airplane and super long extraction plus with random spawn for Scud missiles instead. Haven't made the car jackin yet*

(basically, you can consider these missions kinda outdated and buggy or broken or imbalanced)

Edited by Phantom Six

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Yeah I realized it was old was decided to let you know anyways. Like you I never really get more than 3-5 players, which was the reason I downloaded it in the first place. I tried the Scud Sabotage mission as well. I don't remember if you gave us any AT weaponry but when those BMPs came bearing down on us things got a little bit heated. We only beat that mission because the Scud was at the first location we checked. It might also be my fault for playing with AI enhancements because shooting one squad alerted everyone with ASR's grouplink system.

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Yeah, sometimes the scud are spawned in a hard to tackle place and sometimes it is spawned in an easy picking area. As for the BMPs, you have no AT weapons so try to rely on stealth. I also have UPSMON in that mission so killing one squad would alert everyone anyways. I've beaten the missions a few times. I also recommend using rangefinders or TWS scope to scan around for the scud before playing hide and seek with them. You are on the higher grounds.

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