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mr burns

Combined Pedals - don´t like it

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Alright, yesterday i´ve had a brave moment and plugged up my wheel+pedals together with my xbox pad, normally i only have one plugged in at a time for no real reason other than me being ... weird. The thing is that i ran into problems immediatly and almost managed to post a cry for help about it here, if the forums didn´t crap out just when i finished writing it up.

*fast forward*

Today i had a bright moment and thought it might be a controller setting, e.g. "combined pedals" - and i was right with it. As soon as combined pedals are deactivated TKOH_CP will hate you. Now this might not be a problem for most users, as combined pedals is activated by standard (i think) and most wheel users being aware of this setting and that it can cause troubles if used wrong.

But i think it should work with both ways to keep user frustration low, and spare racing gamers the hassle of switching it around everytime they want to play a racing sim.

For reference, here´s the vague description of what was going wrong from yesterdays not posted posting:

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To make a long story short: If you are having ploblems setting up your wheel pedals, make sure to have the "Combined Pedals" setting ticked, otherwise you´ll run into a wall.

And if you don´t want to amend your controller settings each time before you´re going to play TKOH or a serious racing game, speak now, as i think there´s still room for this getting fixed before release!

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I´m using my wheels pedals (!) + the xbox360 pad.

But nobody seems to care about the described problem with having to switch around the controller settings each time you play racing or tkoh game :(

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I did the same in DCS:Black shark while using my HOTAS Warthog. Why spending 100€ for flight-pedals when you can have the allmost same effect with normal racing pedals.

So I tried this with ToHC and yeah its a bit wired. SO thanks for the info!

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