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[DEMO] Moving lips and a talking bot with effect waypoint.

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It includes: a mission (of course) you have to put this folder where you store your missions for instance my path is

C:\Users\muni\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\muni\missions\niggah2.utes

You can open and experiment with the files listed below with the word-pad.


1. A description .ext file to "define" the sound so that the game can "see" it

2. A .lip file for the bot ta use his lips

(that I borrowed form the Celery's mission of his zombie apocalypse called scream3.lip just for the credit)

3. An .ogg file that has the sound of what the bot will say. a specific setting is need for ArmA which can be made automatically with OFP Soundlab

4.It includes the OFP Soundlab program for you to make your own cool voices and sounds. Sounds need conversion from .wav to a specific .ogg format. That specific format can be made by OFP Soundlab so that you don't have to to get yourself lost in conversions, frequencies etc

This is it.

PS1 I am new to mission editing (like really new) and whenever I see questions complicated answers are given, because of the lack of knowledge by the wannabe-mission makers, the people with the experience talk like the noobs would understand, WE don't.

PS2 There's nothing with racism, just the bot was an africanamerican and thought it would be funny while making it happen. If anyone blames for that is a real retard and has issues.

You can use this mission for help your own no credits needed :P hehe


Edited by muni

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Good thing, THX!

demo-missions are always good to learn from

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Very nice demo. Thnx a lot muni. WE want more from you.

I think you are the next top community guy. I love muni.

Edited by KorpeN

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