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What is wrong with my briefing file?

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Hi, I am trying to make a briefing for my mission.

I have an init.sqf file which says only:

execVM "briefing.sqf";

My briefing.sqf file looks like this:

player createDiaryRecord ["Situation", ["Overview", "Our objective today is to take the

<marker name=Base'>Molation International Airport</marker>

<br> from the Molation Army.]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Situation", ["Threats", "We have a number of armour and mechanised infantry units

which we will use to attck the objective. <br>

However, there is a very strong Molation armour presence at the airport.

<br> <br> Thus we will use our air superiority to soften up the targets before sending in the armour assets."]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Situation",["Objective", "The complication is that there is a strong AAA presence at the base

<br> in the form of Tungusta units. We need you and your team to go in on the ground and

<br> neutralise the AAA units before we send in the air and armour assets.

The location of the three units:

<img image=IntelPic.jpg'/> ]]

Only when I test it (hold shift on Preview) nothing happens.

Any ideas what is going wrong?


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But according to what I read, ever since Arma 2, they only use Briefing.html for debrief, briefing.sqf is now used for briefings....?

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You also need ; at the end of your script, and use <br/> instead of <br>.

Edited by Celery

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Ok thanks, I fixed those but the breifing still doesnt work.

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waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
waitUntil {player==player};
switch (side player) do
case WEST:

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",

"The complication is that there is a strong AAA presence at the base
<br> in the form of Tungusta units. We need you and your team to go in on the ground and
<br> neutralise the AAA units before we send in the air and armour assets.

The location of the three units:

<img image='IntelPic.jpg'/> "

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",

"We have a number of armour and mechanised infantry units
which we will use to attck the objective. <br>
However, there is a very strong Molation armour presence at the airport.
<br> <br> Thus we will use our air superiority to soften up the targets before sending in the armour assets."

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", 

Our objective today is to take the
<marker name='Base'>Molation International Airport</marker>
<br> from the Molation Army."]];


You had 'Situation' where 'Diary' should have been. Sidenote: entries need to be created in the reverse order you wish to see them in the diary.

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Ah, ok thanks.

This sure is confusing for a first time briefing maker!

I copied your text and saved it as briefing.sqf, but still when I hold shift in the editor, and preview, it does not display a briefing, just goes straight into the mission....

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Celery can you explain yourself a bit? I have read that briefing.html is no longer used in Arma 2...Only for debriefing....??!

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Dude, why not try it? It's not like it's going to break your mission!

The engine in SP looks for a briefing.html file still to determine if it needs to show the briefing at mission start or not. Without it, it won't show the briefing, no matter if it just contains debriefing stuff. In MP, the engine shows the briefing at the start no matter if there's a briefing or not.

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Ok thank you it works now. I didnt realise it was nessasary.

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

Ok it worked fine, I added some more text and now it doesnt work at all.

Have I done something wrong here?

waitUntil {!(isNull player)};

waitUntil {player==player};

switch (side player) do


case WEST:


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",


"The complication is that there is a strong AAA presence at the base

<br> in the form of Tungusta units. We need you and your team to go in on the ground and

<br> neutralise the AAA units before we send in the air and armour assets.

<br> Neutralise <marker name='Tung1'>Tunguska 1</marker>, <marker name='Tung2'>Tunguska 2</marker> and <marker name='Tung3'>Tunguska 3</marker>.

<br> <br>

The location of the three units:


<img image='IntelPic.jpg'/>


256M Tunguska:

<img image='IntelPic2.jpg'/>


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",


"We have a number of armour and mechanised infantry units

which we will use to attck the objective. <br>

However, there is a very strong Molation armour presence at the airport.

<br> <br> Thus we will use our air superiority to soften up the targets before sending in the armour assets."


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",



Our objective today is to take the

<marker name=Base'>Molation International Airport</marker>

<br> from the Molation Army.]];



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waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
waitUntil {player==player};
switch (side player) do
case WEST:

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",
The complication is that there is a strong AAA presence at the base
<br/>  in the form of Tungusta units. We need you and your team to go in on the ground and
<br/>  neutralise the AAA units before we send in the air and armour assets.
<br/>  Neutralise <marker name='Tung1'>Tunguska 1</marker>, <marker name='Tung2'>Tunguska 2</marker> and <marker name='Tung3'>Tunguska 3</marker>.
<br/>  <br/> 
The location of the three units:
<br/> <br/> 
<img image='IntelPic.jpg'/>
<br/> <br/> 
256M Tunguska:
<img image='IntelPic2.jpg'/>

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",
We have a number of armour and mechanised infantry units
which we will use to attck the objective. <br/> 
However, there is a very strong Molation armour presence at the airport.
<br/>  <br/>  Thus we will use our air superiority to soften up the targets before sending in the armour assets.

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",
Our objective today is to take the
<marker name='Base'>Molation International Airport</marker>
<br/>  from the Molation Army.


You missed a quote at the end of the first entry. Also, <br> is now <br/>

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Great thanks, it works again now.

Is there a way for markers to show up on the briefing map?

At the moment I have links which point to the location of the three Tunguskas, however, the locations they point to are just blank areas on the map. There should be labels there saying Tunguska1, etc...

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Sorry, but every time I edit the file and add something new, it no longer works.

Any idea what is wrong this time? (I have Bolded the new text, the other text remains unchanged):

waitUntil {!(isNull player)};

waitUntil {player==player};

switch (side player) do


case WEST:


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",



Your first task is to drive to <marker name='Unload'>this area</marker>, a safe distance from enemy positions and unload.

<br/> Secondly secure this <marker name='Hill'>compound</marker> on the hill. We expect only light resistance in the compound.

<br/> Once you have the hill secure, assume an overwatch position, spot and destroy the three Tunguska units.


When the three units are destroyed, call in radio code Alpha, at this point, the AH-64D codename "Redhawk1" will

<br/> proceed from its <marker name='Chopper'>hiding place</marker> to the airfield and engage targets. Also, all

<br/> armour and mechanised infantry units will also proceed to the airfield from their nearby holding positions.

<br/> Continue to provide overwatch and engage targets at your discretion.

<br/><br/> Should something happen to Redhawk1, call in radio code Bravo. A backup flight of AH-64s are waiting at

<br/> the staging area to take the place of Redhawk1 should it go down.

<br/><br/> Good luck!.



player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",



The complication is that there is a strong AAA presence at the base

<br/> in the form of Tungusta units. We need you and your team to go in on the ground and

<br/> neutralise the AAA units before we send in the air and armour assets.

<br/> Neutralise <marker name='Tung1'>Tunguska 1</marker>, <marker name='Tung2'>Tunguska 2</marker> and <marker name='Tung3'>Tunguska 3</marker>.

<br/> <br/>

The location of the three units:

<br/> <br/>

<img image='IntelPic.jpg'/>

<br/> <br/>

256M Tunguska:

<img image='IntelPic2.jpg'/>



player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",



We have a number of armour and mechanised infantry units

which we will use to attck the objective. <br/>

However, there is a very strong Molation armour presence at the airport.

<br/> <br/> Thus we will use our air superiority to soften up the targets before sending in the armour assets.



player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",



Our objective today is to take the

<marker name='Base'>Molation International Airport</marker>

<br/> from the Molation Army.





---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 AM ----------

Script errors says missing ] line 15...I cant see where it is supposed to go.

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Dont worry I solved it, it was because I used " in my text, where that is part of the script syntax so it thought I was ending the text.

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