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Badlands- Reinforcing Allied Groups?

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I can't seem to figure out if there is any sort of way to get allied groups back up to full strength. As a result of me trying various things, I've lost all my allied groups, and am stuck with my group and only my group, which makes it rather difficult to take other towns (and yes, I have been adding more troops to my group).

Starry Sobor is the main problem. It's packed with APCs and other troops. My troops get mowed down like grass when I advance on them. I wish I could have a larger group to flank them, but I can't.

Is there any way to get my allied groups back in the fight?

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Is there any way to get my allied groups back in the fight?

Not sure if I should answer just the title or just the above quote or both, but here are my thoughts anyway.

Bandlands (and Dogs Of War) reinforcing the original allied troops has been discussed so many times I have lost count. You better read these so I save some time in writing:







About your real problem of strong enemy troops in Stary Sobor. Here are some tips. Not sure if you play on CDF or NAPA side, but in either one Stary Sobor is easy to keep but toughest one to keep. Leaving one BRDM-2 or two near main bunker is usually enough to keep enemy from conquering it since most of enemy troops are moving in west and northwest part of the town and only few will actively try to conquer main bunker.

I completed Badlands (CDF side) last night like this:

Took Pogorevka very easily

Took Rogovo easily

Waited for white car to arrive from Vyshnoye to HQ APC

Drove HQ APC to Vyshnoye and build some stationary weapon defences

Triggered and wiped out enemy attack to Vysnoye

Moved all AI troops to attack Stary Sobor, but there were so few they all got wiped out permanently

Visited Stary Sobor main bunker with HQ APC to conquer it and trigger radioconversation to eliminate Prizrak

Drove HQ APC to meet NAPA agent south of Novy Sobor

Eliminated Prizrak at a sawmill northeast of Vyshnoye

Converted HQ APC to HQ building on hills near road leading from Stary Sobor to Vysnoye.

Went prone inside HQ building and used Construction menu and map to micromanage troops.

Build BRDM-2s (750$) and sent it down to re-conquer Stary Sobor main bunker which had they conquered while I visited NAPA agent.

Build empty BRDM-2 (550$), entered with O'Hara and drove to conquer Novy Sobor.

Waited for all radioconversations, autosaves and cutscenes to finish.

Mission completed with all objectives and both evidence.

So basically I only needed few vehicles to conquer last 2 towns. The biggest problem actually was to keep Razor Team AI members alive since they lack discipline to obey move commands in combat and they got killed so many times while trying to be heroes and attacking enemy tacticals and APCs. So before attacking last 2 towns I sent Sykes and Rodriquez away to forest south of Novy Sobor and they stayed there until mission was finished. So in end cutcene it was just me, O'Hara, CDF Ltn. Marny and new NAPA leader in the scene.

Edited by Hanzu

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I tested the above trick in Dogs Of War and if I'm not terribly wrong it seems work.

Edited by Hanzu

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Edited my previous reply.

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