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Assinigning teams into units

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Is there any possibility to create new unit and assingn soldiers & vehicles to it? I mean those units that show up when you hit ctrl+space?

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Not entirely sure what you mean, but you can assign selected personnel to various teams using the 9 menu (iirc).

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ok, here's the situation. I have a base and I'm bulding units there (soldiers, vehicles, etc). I don't want them in my team, instead, I would like to create some bigger unit, that will be able to manage via High Command and assign those soldiers and vehicles into this new platoon or section. Or in other words - I would like to my team stay as it is - small spec ops. But I would like to also have armored platoon and several infantry squads that will be managable via High Command. Is it possible? I know that I can assign soldiers from my team to smaller sub-groups (named by colours) but at least for me it is not convenient solution for micromanagment

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