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All that can be met for ARMA2 - it is possible to meet in my mission:

4. There are special base for clan’s players –RUS Soldier of Fortune- or any others

5. All petrols and airport are working (repair and refuel)

6. All helicopters have lift and can load cargo. Some can load vehicles on board.

7. There is Dinamic First Aid from Slon (Sarmat-studio). Such isn't present anywhere.

8. -10 scores for player's death.

9. Aviapatrols which play for each of the parties independently from Slon (Sarmat-studio). Such isn't present anywhere.

10. Player can call the car or ship (use radio 0-8)

11. Weapon from R3F.

12. Many interesting addons from community for example:

B52 Bomber

and others submarines, carriers, planes, helicopters, vehicles and many many good addons and scripts in one mission.

Mission ready and we need help for tests. We need server for start game.

Addons for missions-downloads-

Russian site and all screenshots and videos.

Edited by topden

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Every where i try to get this English version all the links are dead does any one still have the English version .PBO's ? I would be very grateful I tried to PM Topdem on AH but have not had a reply as yet.


And if anyone knows / has a Coop version it would be even better

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