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Operation Arrowhead controls resetting themselves.

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I have set up aircraft controls for my joystick in the controls menu and after not playing the game for several days I have discovered that the controls have been reset to defaults. Now what is even more annoying is that when I try to set them up anew the game somehow automatically assigns multiple joystick buttons and movements to some of the actions, for instance I tried assigning the joystick slider to control the throttle, but every time I reenter the throttle command-assign submenu there is the joystick Z axis assigned to it as well, which conflicts with aircraft turning controls. It is a confusing explanation for a confusing problem in a confusing game with confusing controls. I do hope that someone might have encountered this issue before, otherwise I will post a video of the thing to give you a complete understanding of the problem.

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ok, it has somehow sorted itself out. At least i can set up my controls now, but the thing with the reset still bothers me. Recentmost patch installed, by the way.

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ok, it has somehow sorted itself out. At least i can set up my controls now, but the thing with the reset still bothers me. Recentmost patch installed, by the way.

Sometimes your cfg can get screwed up during a game crash, especially if in the control configs at the time. Also if you crash after game controls have been changed they will be lost as the game needs to be shut down properly to save them. I always shut the game down once happy with my control changes.

Then just make a copy of the cfg for when it goes tits up again, and it will mind. You have been warned. If you are unlocking a lot of things in the armoury it is good to take regular back ups too. ;)

Another problem I found with my joystick was if it was off when starting the game I could get problems once I started it during play, this also sometimes lost me my settings.

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I see your point about backing up as much as you can with this software... I have realized as well that my campaign progress has disappeared along with the controls, somehow it happened simultaneously I guess, however, I do not recall experiencing a single crash throughout my couple of weeks with the game.

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Happened again... piece of shit game...

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