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Help needed for Lan dedicated server.

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Hi guys, I've been enjoying the game playing lan with my buds and family. But I am having problems when I really want a lot of AI in my COOP missions. For example we want to play some Domination or Warfare BE, but just like 4 human players the rest is AI. For every1 there is no problem except for me that I am hosting and running the AI and also playing.

I do have a computer laying around here that is a 2 gig DDR2 ram dual core 3 gigherz with a gtx260 and I was thinking on leaving that as host to run AI and such things while we play but I just cannot seem to be able to configure this thing correctly. If anybody would be so kind to point me or help me in the right direction to get this running it would be greatly apretiated.

Thanks in advance.

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did you even bother to search the forum? there are many examples on howto setup a dedicated server. also take a look at the biki for more info

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I did, yet I found no post about this subject, all I see are post about ONLINE dedicated servers. I got a server running no problems all configured,etc. Also I know I can type as the server to not list my server but this still does not solve my question, because it is still an online dedicated server running wheter it posts it with the main server or not. Therefor my question still stands, is it possible? is there a command out there to make it a REAL LAN only server? Thanks in advance.

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in your server config. leave reportingIP blank. reportingIP="";

then on your client connect to your server by IP "Remote". iex. depends if you have static or dynamic ip assigned.

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