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Changing Characters in My Missions?

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Hey Arma community. :)

I've just recently got Arma II OA after seeing some of the videos etc. & I absolutely LOVE it. Really love the immersion and the depth/flexibility of combat.

After playing through the campaign I wasn't really satisfied. So I went into mission editor on the 'Scenarios' section and created a mission. I made one of the combat ones, where you are inserted into any map/zone and you have to carry out numerous tasks set over your radio by HQ. But every time I play I am given the same German Special Forces with their same flamin' weapons. Kinda annoying trying to sim being inserted into Afghan on Zargabad maps as a German spec ops team. :/

Just wondering if there is anyway I can change the units and load-outs to a more British/US style section? Thanks :)

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I haven't played around with the mission generator much, but your best bet is to start with a BASIC mission rather than a COMBAT mission. You can then choose the units you want. Then you can place (by double-clicking on the map in Edit mode) other BLUFOR or OPFOR units and create a kind of combat mission of your own.

Also, you might want to check out some of the user built missions in the User Missions thread. I think you may enjoy the Flashpoint missions by thomsonb. Here's a link to one of those missions...


Edited by Jedra

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Thanks man, but the only problem is the mission you linked me is just an Arma II mission not OA. I only have Operation Arrowhead which I don't think I stated clearly, I apologise.

Thanks a bunch though, I did try some Basic missions but I just got errors and Arma crashed on me :(

Edit: Just found a Flashpoint OA Single player mission, awesome!

Edited by Dashmore

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Thanks man, but the only problem is the mission you linked me is just an Arma II mission not OA. I only have Operation Arrowhead which I don't think I stated clearly, I apologise.

Thanks a bunch though, I did try some Basic missions but I just got errors and Arma crashed on me :(

Edit: Just found a Flashpoint OA Single player mission, awesome!

Excellent! Glad you found a mission you like. I have Combined Ops so I sometimes forget which missions are only OA! It's worth picking up Arma2 and turning your OA install into CO - you should be able to get a good deal on it somewhere.

Strange that you are getting crashes in the BI Mission generator. As I said, I haven't played with that too much (I make my missions in the pure editor and with scripts), but as it's part of the BI install, it should work! Perhaps make a post in the troubleshooting section of the BI Forums...

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