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The Recruitment Centre

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This is a little thread i thought up earlier on

This is a place for sound artist, texture artist, model makers, programmers etc to put yourself up for recruitment into mods and projects

Its also handy for mod leaders if they need a certain person to help out with their project to look here and see if someone is up for a bit of work

If you want to hire someone please contact them via PM etc, rather then this thread to keep it tidy

follow this template when posting



Contact Details:

My skills: (model making, texture art etc)

My skill level: ( between 1-10, 1 being beginner 10 being uber l33t)

My time limits(if you can only work on weekends etc, when will most definitely not be able to work on the project)

My previous work: (post links to your previous work with proof you did it :p )

]ACCEPTED/WAITING/NOT AVAILABLE: (if you have posted in the thread and accept working for a mod, change your status to ACCEPTED

if you are available but not hired change to WAITING(use this as your first status) and NOT AVAILABLE if you are not accepted and are not available to work)

I kindly ask that if this thread isnt closed :rolleyes: that it be made into a sticky topic for easy finding

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