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Setspeedmode - command

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Just a small thing

I'm trying to script patrols rather than inserting waypoints on the map.

Unfortunately the SetSpeedMode command doesn't work properly. The units remain in "Full" Speed instead of the scripted "Limited". If I use waypoints in the editor (change speed to "Limited" on waypoint) it works and they walk slowly in "Safe" or "Careless" behaviour.

Why doesn't it work with the command then. I use it in conjunction with domove or commandmove. Like:

ap,ap1,ap2 being the patrol (ap is leader)

All are set to "Safe" behaviour.

ap domove [X,Y]

ap setspeedmode "Limited"

[ap1,ap2] dofollow leader ap1

I hope somebody tells me that I'm making a syntax error or something.

Tks for your help.

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This is just an idea, but ..

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ap domove [X,Y]

ap setspeedmode "Limited"

[ap1,ap2] dofollow leader ap1<span id='postcolor'>

What if you would re-order your commands:

ap setspeedmode "Limited"

ap domove [X,Y]

[ap1,ap2] dofollow leader ap1

So the ap's speed mode would be limited, before

he starts moving.

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The SetSpeedMode command only affects the group as a whole, it probably doesn't affect the DoMove and CommandMove commands which are used for single units. Use the Move command instead.

If you want to move the whole group in Limited and Safe mode, try the following:

(Group aP) SetBehaviour "SAFE"

(Group aP) SetSpeedMode "LIMITED"

(Group aP) Move [x,y]

Hope this helps,


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Tks. Thats probably the alternative I'm looking for...Will try it right away. Thank you very much for your help!

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