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1) An Army/USAF Mh-47G?

2) Mh-X Silent Hawk?

3) Afghanistan

4) Iraq

5) A large variety of attack aircraft armament (targeting pod of A-10C)

6) More rappelling capabilities (rappelling out of a chinook)

7) Better (AI) that may look more modernize (ex: not having helicopters) for the present day war

8) As mentioned before, better quality (graphics)

All in all, I think having the modern day war style would be awesome along with some of the future weapons/vehicles that are soon to come out. There's also much more but not going to mention them yet.

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Desert is nice and all but it's far too overdone, getting back to greenery would be nice, though even better would be snowy and mountainous regions. Buuut it's too late in development for any more developer maps until DLC comes along.

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Yeah I was thinking it was in production and they had their ideas's already. i just thought I should throw my thoughts out there. How does the first 2 idea's sound?

---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------

For the campaign, they could also work on the voicing. It doesnt bother me that much that I don't want to play the game but sometimes it just makes me want to laugh. Some parts of the missions dont even have voicing, which makes me have to read and not pay attention to what im doing.

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Can't lie and say I don't have a fetish for the commanche's sleek curves and therefore her sister the stealth hawk, so I'd love to see her in, heck I love the concept of new aircraft rather than being limited to "what we know of." and MH-47 would make perfect sense being that it's designed for special operations..guess we'll have to wait and see what transport helo comes up.

Can't says I'd agree with better graphics on the start though, more graphics=higher requirements unless the video options become more diverse to allow better control such as the ability to turn off normal maps, specular maps, SSAO and so on.

Edited by NodUnit

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yeah your right. i just wanna get the good stuff during the online! :yay:

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