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Real armors of tanks

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The tanks in ARMAII has the same armor in front as from behind & sides. The every tank has different armor on every side (front/side/behind/upper),example 120/90/75/25 and then there is also turret armor (example 130/130/90/45). But in arma is just one number for every side. Also I noted that the tanks in armaii has weird armor numbers, T-34/85 has 300mm (in real about 45mm on hull and 90mm on turret - in front). The question is - Will ARMAIII has real armor datas? Not like in ARMAII? And why can the M2 machine gun destroy T-90? Can you fix that in ARMAIII? thanks.

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That would be a great addition, proper armor modelling instead of just a Hit Point system. Penetration and deflection and all that. Good stuff, hope we see something like it!

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would cool as hell. my fav tank game were T-72:Balkans under fire and dropteam because There that small bit of satisfaction you get when you hit a critical part of an enemy tank. and see a catastrophic explosion. you would see the Now like the instant fried toast thing battlefield did with its vehicles. no matter the damge they took you got a crispy tank shell. I want to get mobility kills, gunner,driver,cmdr kills. the works.

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