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Adding Support Requests to the UAV Backpack

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Is this possible?

I basically want a player to carry around the UAV backpack, to be able to put it on the groud and call in airstrikes using the mousewheel instead of the radio.

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Is this possible?

I basically want a player to carry around the UAV backpack, to be able to put it on the groud and call in airstrikes using the mousewheel instead of the radio.

Sorry for reviving this old thread, but I was faced with the same problem and found a solution, so I thought I'd share.

Basically, set up the UAV like described on the Biki, UAV module, UAV unit and player synchronized. To control the UAV, you need a backpack that can serve as controller. Since you don't want to have it on the ground for the player to pick up, this code fragment creates and synchronizes it (assuming the UAB module is called uavModule and the player westMan1_1):

// Create a UAV backpack on the group leader
removeBackpack westMan1_1;
westMan1_1 addBackpack "US_UAV_Pack_EP1";

// Sync it with the UAV
_backpack = unitBackpack westMan1_1;
uavModule synchronizeObjectsAdd [_backpack];

If you wear the backpack, or put it on the ground, you can control the UAV.

In Multiplayer, sync every player that should get access to the UAV with the UAV module. Once they get the UAV backpack, they can control the UAV.

- V

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