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Massive problem! [HELP PLEASE]

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I'm in need of some massive help and it will take a god to fix this problem. 9/10ths of the servers i try to join on arrowhead give me problem in the bottom left.


Even if the server has no Add-ons required i get this! Servers that do have add-ons i get the all green on add-on sync and have all files download. I've also reinstalled ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA. I always run combined ops!

The error message is - "You cannont play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cawater2_destroyer" if someone can help me fix this or get this file i am in debt for life.

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You need ArmA2 to combine it with OA to CO (Combined Operations).

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Here is what i posted somewhere else!

I'm in need of some really good help because i can't get in the server and i have tried a few things that I will list before i post my problem -

1.) Reinstalled ArmA 2

2.) Reinstalled ArmA 2:OA

3.) Downloaded latest patch

4.) Got all files from add-on sync all green

5.) Checked password and working

6.) Changed the target on the desktop

7.) Running combined ops

8.) Joined teamspeak and asked around (No one knows how to fix it) (MASSIVE thanks to TCG Deanstud he has tried very hard to help)

9.) Asked TCG Deanstud to search his computer for the missing file listed below (It came back with nothing)

10.) Stayed up to 6am UK time to try and fix it

Ok, now the problem is in this screenshot at the bottom left.


It's says "You cannont play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cawater2_destroyer", so if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this post away.

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

Please someone must be able to fix this!

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