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Spawning Enemies at different specific locations.

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Is there a simplified way to use the randomly picked markers to warp already placed units in the vicinity of a marker?

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Start this from a trigger or how ever you would like


// List of markers
_markers = [markr1,markr2,markr3,etc];

// List of units preplaced in the editor.
_unitstowrp = [u1,u2,u3,etc];

//get random place to "warp" or set their position
_pos = (getMarkerPos (_markers select (floor(random(count _markers)))));

//set each units positions.
{_x setPos _pos;} forEach _unitstowrp;

Edited by Riouken

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That was most useful, going to check it out. Thanks a lot.


How to activate this script reliably from the mission start? Via a trigger? I recall MP safe scripts needing some odd looking command instead of this exec something

Edited by alleycat

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Add an EAST soldier to the map with this in his init....

deleteVehicle this;

...or in your init.sqf use...

_sideHQ = createCenter EAST;

Used the init code (because I found it last night in the wiki) and it worked like a charm.

Appreciate the help!

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If I were you... I would use some of the UPS Scripts.

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Can someone give me an example of 'spawn waves' on the map zagabrad?

30+ min and i cant figure it out...


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