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How do I use my world?

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Hi, I'm new here, but I followed the tutorials in the sticky. SO now I have a map that I created with L3DT that has been put into Visitor 3 and saved as a .wrp that was then turned into a pbo.

So my question is how can I get this map to be usable? My ultimate goal is so I can open the mission editor, load my map and throw some targets and boxes onto it. Basically it will be my own shooting range.

Right now when I go into Single Player -> Editor I have only the standard maps I can work with like Utes and Proving Grounds. What I need is for my map to show up there so I can edit it and save it as a mission for myself to play whenever I want some shooting practice.

Is this even possible? If so how can I do this? Thank in advance.

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For that you need to create your own config.cpp file

It should be good enough to copy one of one existing island and edit it accordingly

For example

1st: go to the utes.pbo

2nd: unpbo it

3rd: Use unrap to transform the file config.bin into a new file called config.cpp

4th: copy it inside your p:\yournametag\yourislandfolder

5th: Open the config cpp with a text editor and edit it.

It is a little bit more complicated than that because you must know what to add/change/erase in the config file, but that's the general idea

To help you a little bit, this is utes.cpp file with all references to the armory and locations removed

// config.bin - 14:41:10 07/08/10, generated in 0.43 seconds
// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys
// Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled

#define ReadAndWrite		0
#define ReadAndCreate		1
#define ReadOnly		2
#define ReadOnlyVerified		3

#define VSoft		0
#define VArmor		1
#define VAir		2

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

class CfgPatches {
class Utes {
	units[] = {"Utes"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgVehicles {};

class CfgWorlds {
class DefaultWorld {
	class Weather;	// External class reference

class CAWorld : DefaultWorld {
	class Grid {};
	class DayLightingBrightAlmost;	// External class reference
	class DayLightingRainy;	// External class reference
	class DefaultClutter;	// External class reference

	class Weather : Weather {
		class Lighting;	// External class reference
class DefaultLighting;	// External class reference

class utes : CAWorld {
	access = ReadOnlyVerified;
	worldId = 4;
	cutscenes[] = {"UtesIntro1"};
	description = $STR_DN_UTES;
	icon = "";
	worldName = "\ca\utes\utes.wrp";
	pictureMap = "";
	pictureShot = "\ca\utes\data\ui_selectisland_utes_ca.paa";
	plateFormat = "ML$ - #####";
	longitude = 30;	// positive is east
	latitude = -45;	// positive is south

	class Grid : Grid {
		offsetX = 0;
		offsetY = 0;

		class Zoom1 {
			zoomMax = 0.15;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = 000;
			formatY = 000;
			stepX = 100;
			stepY = 100;

		class Zoom2 {
			zoomMax = 0.85;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "00";
			formatY = "00";
			stepX = 1000;
			stepY = 1000;

		class Zoom3 {
			zoomMax = 1e+030;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "0";
			formatY = "0";
			stepX = 10000;
			stepY = 10000;
	startTime = 14:20;
	startDate = 11/10/2008;
	startWeather = 0.4;
	startFog = 0.0;
	forecastWeather = 0.25;
	forecastFog = 0.0;
	centerPosition[] = {3500, 3500, 300};
	seagullPos[] = {2560, 150, 2560};
	ilsPosition[] = {3330, 3610};
	ilsDirection[] = {-1, 0.08, 0};
	ilsTaxiIn[] = {3540, 3572, 3388, 3572, 3382, 3578, 3382, 3600, 3400, 3610};
	ilsTaxiOff[] = {3520, 3610, 4040, 3610, 4050, 3600, 4050, 3580, 4045, 3575, 4040, 3572, 3540, 3572};

	class ReplaceObjects {};

	class Sounds {
		sounds[] = {};

	class Animation {
		vehicles[] = {};

	class Lighting : DefaultLighting {
		groundReflection[] = {0.06, 0.06, 0.03};

	class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost {
		deepNight[] = {-15, {0.05, 0.05, 0.06}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.05}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002}, 0};
		fullNight[] = {-5, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0};
		sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.045, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.1, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5};
		earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.12, 0.1, 0.1}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.1, 0.1, 0.12}, 1};
		sunrise[] = {0, {{0.7, 0.45, 0.45}, 5.16+(-4)}, {{0.07, 0.09, 0.12}, 4.0+(-4)}, {{0.6, 0.47, 0.25}, 4.66+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 4.3+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 6.49+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.39+(-4)}, 1};
		earlyMorning[] = {3, {{0.65, 0.55, 0.55}, 6.04+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 4.5+(-4)}, {{0.55, 0.47, 0.25}, 5.54+(-4)}, {{0.1, 0.09, 0.1}, 5.02+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 7.05+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 8.88+(-4)}, 1};
		midMorning[] = {8, {{0.98, 0.85, 0.8}, 8.37+(-4)}, {{0.08, 0.09, 0.11}, 6.42+(-4)}, {{0.87, 0.47, 0.25}, 7.87+(-4)}, {{0.09, 0.09, 0.1}, 6.89+(-4)}, {{0.5, 0.4, 0.4}, 8.9+(-4)}, {{0.88, 0.51, 0.24}, 10.88+(-4)}, 1};
		morning[] = {16, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 13.17+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 10.26+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 0.9}, 12.67+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.18, 0.19}, 11.71+(-4)}, {{0.15, 0.15, 0.15}, 12.42+(-4)}, {{0.17, 0.17, 0.15}, 14.42+(-4)}, 1};
		noon[] = {45, {{1, 1, 1}, 17+(-4)}, {{1, 1.3, 1.55}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 15+(-4)}, {{0.36, 0.37, 0.38}, 13.5+(-4)}, {{1, 1, 1}, 16+(-4)}, {{1.0, 1.0, 1}, 17+(-4)}, 1};

	class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy {
		deepNight[] = {-15, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.0034, 0.0034, 0.004}, {0.003, 0.003, 0.003}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, {0.001, 0.001, 0.002}, 0};
		fullNight[] = {-5, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.023, 0.023, 0.023}, {0.02, 0.02, 0.02}, {0.01, 0.01, 0.02}, {0.08, 0.06, 0.06}, 0};
		sunMoon[] = {-3.75, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.04, 0.05}, {0.04, 0.035, 0.04}, {0.11, 0.08, 0.09}, 0.5};
		earlySun[] = {-2.5, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.0689, 0.0689, 0.0804}, {0.06, 0.06, 0.07}, {0.08, 0.07, 0.08}, {0.14, 0.1, 0.12}, 0.5};
		earlyMorning[] = {0, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.95}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+3.0}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.5}, 1};
		morning[] = {5, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+5.7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+4.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+7}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+8}, 1};
		lateMorning[] = {25, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+10.45}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+9.75}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.75}, 1};
		noon[] = {70, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+12}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+11}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+13.5}, {{1, 1, 1}, (-4)+14}, 1};

	class Weather : Weather {
		class Lighting : Lighting {
			class BrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost {
				overcast = 0;

			class Rainy : DayLightingRainy {
				overcast = 1.0;
	clutterGrid = 1.0;
	clutterDist = 125;
	noDetailDist = 40;
	fullDetailDist = 15;
	midDetailTexture = "ca\utes\data\ut_middle_mco.paa";
	minTreesInForestSquare = 5;
	minRocksInRockSquare = 4;

	class Clutter {
		class UTGrassDryBunch : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_deadGrassBunch.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.35;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.5;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

		class UTGrassDryLongBunch : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassDryLongBunch.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.35;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.6;
			scaleMax = 1.1;

		class UTAutumnFlowers : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.4;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.7;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

		class UTHeatherBrush : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_caluna.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.15;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.8;
			scaleMax = 1.8;

		class UTWeedSedge : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed3.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.2;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.5;
			scaleMax = 0.85;

		class UTWeedTall : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed2.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.3;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.8;
			scaleMax = 1.1;

		class UTWeedDead : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.3;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.75;
			scaleMax = 1.1;

		class UTWeedDeadSmall : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_WeedDead2.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.3;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.75;
			scaleMax = 0.9;

		class UTBlueBerry : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_BlueBerry.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.05;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.85;
			scaleMax = 1.3;

		class UTFernAutumn : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.1;
			scaleMin = 0.6;
			scaleMax = 1.2;

		class UTFernAutumnTall : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fernTall.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.15;
			scaleMin = 0.75;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

		class GrassCrookedForest : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedForest.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.3;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.8;
			scaleMax = 1.4;

		class UTMushroomsPrasivka : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomPrasivky.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0;
			scaleMin = 0.85;
			scaleMax = 1.25;

	class Subdivision {
		class Fractal {
			rougness = 5;
			maxRoad = 0.02;
			maxTrack = 0.5;
			maxSlopeFactor = 0.05;

		class WhiteNoise {
			rougness = 2;
			maxRoad = 0.01;
			maxTrack = 0.05;
			maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025;
		minY = 0.0;
		minSlope = 0.02;

	class Ambient {
		class Mammals {
			radius = 200;
			cost = "(1 + forest + trees) * (0.5 + (0.5 * night)) * (1 - sea) * (1 - houses)";

			class Species {
				class Rabbit {
					probability = 0.2;
					cost = 1;

		class BigBirds {
			radius = 300;
			cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)";

			class Species {
				class Hawk {
					probability = 0.2;
					cost = 1;

		class Birds {
			radius = 170;
			cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))";

			class Species {
				class Crow {
					probability = 0.2;
					cost = 1;

		class BigInsects {
			radius = 20;
			cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class DragonFly {
					probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)";
					cost = 1;

				class ButterFly {
					probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)";
					cost = 1;

		class BigInsectsAquatic {
			radius = 20;
			cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class DragonFly {
					probability = 1;
					cost = 1;

		class SmallInsects {
			radius = 3;
			cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class HouseFly {
					probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)";
					cost = 1;

				class HoneyBee {
					probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)";
					cost = 1;

				class Mosquito {
					probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)";
					cost = 1;

		class NightInsects {
			radius = 3;
			cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";

			class Species {
				class Mosquito {
					probability = 1;
					cost = 1;

		class WindClutter {
			radius = 10;
			cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)";

			class Species {
				class FxWindGrass1 {
					probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";
					cost = 1;

				class FxWindGrass2 {
					probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";
					cost = 1;

				class FxWindRock1 {
					probability = "0.4 * hills";
					cost = 1;

		class NoWindClutter {
			radius = 15;
			cost = 8;

			class Species {
				class FxWindPollen1 {
					probability = 1;
					cost = 1;
	safePositionAnchor[] = {3448.11, 3627.18};
	safePositionRadius = 2000;

class CfgWorldList {
class utes {};

class CfgMissions {
class Cutscenes {
	class UtesIntro1 {
		directory = "ca\utes\data\scenes\intro.utes";

class CfgSurfaces {
class Default {};

class Water {};

class UTGravel : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_sterk_*";
	rough = 0.1;
	dust = 0.35;
	soundEnviron = "gravel";
	character = "Empty";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class UTRock : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_skala_*";
	rough = 0.2;
	dust = 0.07;
	soundEnviron = "rock";
	character = "Empty";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class UTConcrete : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_beton_*";
	rough = 0.08;
	dust = 0.05;
	soundEnviron = "concrete_ext";
	character = "Empty";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class UTBoulders : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_valouny_*";
	rough = 0.1;
	dust = 0.07;
	soundEnviron = "rock";
	character = "UTSparseGrassClutter";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class UTGround : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_hlina_*";
	rough = 0.1;
	dust = 0.2;
	soundEnviron = "dirt";
	character = "UTSparseGrassClutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";

class UTGrass : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_trava_*";
	rough = 0.11;
	dust = 0.1;
	soundEnviron = "grass";
	character = "UTGrassClutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";

class UTHeather : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_vres_*";
	rough = 0.14;
	dust = 0.1;
	soundEnviron = "drygrass";
	character = "UTHeatherClutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";

class UTWeeds : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_plevel_*";
	rough = 0.11;
	dust = 0.1;
	soundEnviron = "drygrass";
	character = "UTWeedsClutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";

class UTForest : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "ut_les_*";
	rough = 0.2;
	dust = 0.15;
	soundEnviron = "forest";
	character = "UTPineForestClutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";

class CfgSurfaceCharacters {
class UTSparseGrassClutter {
	names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch"};
	probability[] = {0.07};

class UTGrassClutter {
	probability[] = {0.95, 0.02, 0.03};
	names[] = {"UTGrassDryBunch", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTAutumnFlowers"};

class UTHeatherClutter {
	probability[] = {0.1, 0.25, 0.07, 0.03};
	names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTHeatherBrush", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTWeedSedge"};

class UTWeedsClutter {
	probability[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02};
	names[] = {"UTAutumnFlowers", "UTGrassDryLongBunch", "UTWeedTall", "UTWeedDead", "UTWeedDeadSmall"};

class UTPineForestClutter {
	probability[] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, 0.001};
	names[] = {"UTBlueBerry", "UTFernAutumn", "UTFernAutumnTall", "UTGrassDryBunch", "UTMushroomsPrasivka"};

You will have to add your own surfaces classes in the class surface and define new clutter in the class clutter section.

You also have to define you island in the class worlds,etc...

Hope it helps

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