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I'm new to editing and ARMA 2, help?

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Hi, i'm new to editing and i was wondering if you all could help me.

1. Where can i find a good video series to help show me how to edit?

2. How do i set objectives?

3. Where can i find a police addon?

4. Is there a script where my vehicle would partrol, say, zaragabad and random enemies/ieds would pop and attack me?

5. Is there a map i can download where the city is looks like new york or something

6. How do i script?

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Good places to start would be:

Mr Murray's Editing Guide (for Arma, but most of it still applies).


Another guide, for Arma2 - just found this recently myself and it's very good:


For specific examples of more complex scripts etc, with demo missions so you can see it all working, Kylania is a forum regular and an absolute legend. He helped me out last year with several scripts, and has probably taught me more than anyone else here:


This guy has some good videos:


You're starting down a road that will get longer and more complicated the further you go down it. It will be daunting, and infuriating, and you'll have to learn some scripting, but it's well worth it. Search these forums and Armaholics too for specific things you want to do - it's a safe bet that someone's already asked, and answered before you. Above all else, keep asking questions and persevere!

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