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noob SU, ACE, mod questions

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Hey guys, i just bought the A2 an OA at the latest Steam midweek deal.

I also convinced two of my friends to buy at least A2. They want to test it first without OA.

I am really stunned by the massive amount of content the modders created for the game.

I read the "User Add-On Guide for more Realism and Immersion (ACE2-based)" and installed SU and the mods ACE_A2, CBA, CBA_A2, WarFXOarticles and zeu_AI_ACE for A2 Standalone.

Here are my questions:

- Is it normal that in every preset i got @ACE and @CBA_OA although the are incompatible with A2 standalone? I can't delet them.

- Is it right that ACE_A2 is not really up to date? I can't find the ACE config menu ingame. And i get error-msgs for time to time about missing content, although it does not really seem to effect the game.

- How can i use earplugs and stuff? I read about a program named clippy, but this does not seem to be includet into ACE_A2

- Are there any MUST HAVE mods that are not included in SU and have to be installed seperatly?

- Can anyone recommend some nice atmospheric A2 coop-missions playable with 3 persons?

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There's only 1 preset with ACE for OA, the others do not include ACE/CBA, but you can create a new preset by right clicking "Presets" at the top of the tree at the left.

ACE for A2 has been superseded by ACE for OA. So ACE for A2 is only @ 1.3, while for OA is at 1.10.

It's recommended to get OA.

ACE thread @ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=117996

SU thread @ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98609

Edited by Sickboy

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