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Score System

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I have a problem with on of my missions

I have a score system on my mission.

First of all it checks "captures and hold" triggers

if A1>A2 then Army 1 gets 25 points every minute

if A1=A2 then sector is neutral . No Points given

if A1<A2 t hen Army 2 gets 25 points every minute.

I have a script that checks those triggers every 45 seconds

This part of the scoring works.. It is counting up

But now the destroy parts..

I have 4 destroyable objects






I placed four triggers around them

not alive des_obj1_us
hint "Weapon Cache 1 has been destroyed";if (isServer) then {AAkills = AAkills + 1;ScoreWest=ScoreWest+500;};task4 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";nul = [objNull, ObjNull, task4, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

not alive des_obj2_us
hint "Weapon Cache 2 has been destroyed";if (isServer) then {AAkills = AAkills + 1;ScoreWest=ScoreWest+500;};task5 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";nul = [objNull, ObjNull, task5, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

not alive des_obj1_ger
hint "Weapon Cache 1 has been destroyed";if (isServer) then {AAkills = AAkills + 1;ScoreEast=ScoreEast+500;};task9 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";nul = [objNull, ObjNull, task9, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

not alive des_obj2_ger
hint "Weapon Cache 2 has been destroyed";if (isServer) then {AAkills = AAkills + 1;ScoreEast=ScoreEast+500;};task10 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";nul = [objNull, ObjNull, task10, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

Where scorewest is the points amounth of "west"

and scoreeast the points of "east"

Now the problem is:

Sometimes the score is added to the scores.. Sometimes it is not

any idea how to make sure those scores are counted?

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could it be a server lag problem.. Or should I make triggers that check the objectives and once the are destroyed use a sqf to add the score?

To see the mission I am talking about

Click here to download it.

MODS needed



Thanks in Advance

Edited by FHStronkie

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i only see you adjust a global variable, not actually adjusting the score:

how is ScoreWest added to units score?

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well scorewest and scoreeast are just scores

as in points

when you use the scoreboard you do not see that score..

this is not a score system based on the internal scoring system

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Hi, while not directly related to the OP, it's score related and better then starting a new thread eh :)

Trying to give alternate ending determined by score:

_score = rating player;
if (_score <= 999) then {endmission "end4"};
if ((_score >= 1000) or (_score < 3999)) then {endmission "end3"};
if ((_score >= 4000) or _score < 6499)) then {endmission "end2"};
if (_score >= 6500) then {endmission "end1"};

Now Im speeding up the mission by adding gobs of friendlies to kill all off enemies just to check this system and have added:

player addrating 10000

to give my player a final rating of 8000 or so -but its giving me the results for END3? Is that final score absolutely the Players score or maybe a team score and Im being penalized? Im suspicious that by "cheating" the ending -Im missing something critical as there are White Dots next to the score rather then those Gold Stars.

I've tried different addrating numbers and it sometimes works (never the END1 tho) and sometimes doesn't match up :confused:

So I found this on the OFP FAQ:

Each OFP mission has it's own definition of what constitutes a distinguished, average or poor score for that particular mission. Poor scoring will result in 1 to 3 red X's being displayed alongside your score. Average scoring will result in 1 to 5 pearl-like studs being displayed alongside your score. Do very well and you should see 1 to 5 gold stars appearing alongside your score.

Scores can also be negative. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as killing friendlies or not achieving objectives.

By the way, earning a high score while playing in cadet mode will result in earning less studs and gold stars than you would otherwise have earned achieving the same score in veteran mode.

That makes it tough to know how things are actually scored -I gave myself a score of 85,000 and got the 5 pearls and no Stars on Cadet. Very little information on this it seems.

Edited by froggyluv

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This is what I mean and sorry for crappy image:


The score reads 100,000 yet there are no Gold Stars only White Pearls. I don't care about the them per se, but I need to know how the game determines as it seems to effect the endings of my mission which is purely based on Player's score.

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