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How to have the M119 gun UP?

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Is it possible to have the gun on an artillary, say the M119, up?. Even if the

M119 is emty?

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Hmm, well if I use a manned M119 gun, and I want it to just fire/ use its animation, how do I do that?

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I have tryed that, but it dont fire, Im playing on the "desert" map, so I think the map might be to small for the artillary to fire?

I just want the artillary to seem like its firing on a town or something.

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yes i tried myself and it did not work.

look into artillery module, and just fire on a position outside the desert map,i think ca 3000 m away is safe bet for m119.

Edit: here its ready for you.

basically, place a m199 wherever you want it,

place a artillery module(not piece) on map, name it nameofArtyMODULE and synch it to the artillery, place a marker named target ca 2000 - 3000 meter away in the driection you want it to fire at.

place this in init of the m119:

_null = [this] spawn {
sleep 5;
while {({alive _x} count _this) != 0} do {
	[nameofArtyMODULE, (getMarkerPos "target"), ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 1, 10]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;
	waitUntil {nameofArtyMODULE getVariable "ARTY_ONMISSION"};
	waitUntil {nameofArtyMODULE getVariable "ARTY_COMPLETE"};

now it will begin fire after 5 seconds in mission.

Note it will fire at the position where the target marker is so place it somewhere out of the way if you dont want shells on your head.

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Well basically you can have it to where you have someone on go into the M119 and have them target an invisible target in the sky and then have them dismount.

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yes i tried myself and it did not work.

look into artillery module, and just fire on a position outside the desert map,i think ca 3000 m away is safe bet for m119.

Edit: here its ready for you.

basically, place a m199 wherever you want it,

place a artillery module(not piece) on map, name it nameofArtyMODULE and synch it to the artillery, place a marker named target ca 2000 - 3000 meter away in the driection you want it to fire at.

place this in init of the m119:

_null = [this] spawn {
sleep 5;
while {({alive _x} count _this) != 0} do {
	[nameofArtyMODULE, (getMarkerPos "target"), ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 1, 10]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;
	waitUntil {nameofArtyMODULE getVariable "ARTY_ONMISSION"};
	waitUntil {nameofArtyMODULE getVariable "ARTY_COMPLETE"};

now it will begin fire after 5 seconds in mission.

Note it will fire at the position where the target marker is so place it somewhere out of the way if you dont want shells on your head.

This works perfectly! :D

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