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Is Arma 2 playable now?

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I bought Arma 2 when it was first released, and the single player campaign was buggy as hell. So buggy, in fact, that I stumbled through one game-breaking bug after another, until finally the mother of all bugs ended my campaign (at the start of one mission everyone would stand around and nothing happened).

Is the Arma 2 single player campaign playable now? Did they fix the bugs and make it an enjoyable experience? I really want to give it another go.


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I dunno, I finished the campaign over a year ago. There are still bugs, and playing Harvest Red in OA might add some more.

Don't be a baby about having to revert once or twice and it should be fine. But who plays the campaign these days anyways? OA has a pretty much bugless campaign, btw. It even works with ACE.

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A lot of patches have been released. Can't tell if all the bugs have been fixed in the meantime in the campaign, have played it only once. We have also plenty of good user made campaigns you can enjoy. Head over to Armaholic and dl'ed some user made campaigns in case the official ones should still be bugged.

kind regards

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most missions of the arma2 camapaign will still make ur pc explode (unless u have a nasa rig)

but theres excellent single player missions and campaigns from the community (http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma2_files_scenarios_campaigns&s=title&w=asc&d=0)

u should also get OA, because the improvements of the last oa patch make playing with the AI so much more enjoyable

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yes, i didn't think the campaigns we're that fun the the editor is 100% awesome

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