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Disconnetion counts as death (?)

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When a human player jip-joins a game and takes control of a soldier that has not been A.I. before he joined (i.e. the unit was not present on the map), then seemingly the disconnection of that player counts as a death of that unit somehow.

I have triggers for every playable unit that execute a script when they die. This script is also executed when a player jip-joins and leaves the game in the way described above.

The triggers are

condition: not alive player1
execution: [player1] exec "script.sqf"; 

script.sqf starts with the following code to prevent the execution when the unit is not present in the game any more:

_man = _this select 0;
if ( (isNil "_man") or !(lifestate _man == "DEAD") ) then { exit };

But it doesn't work. Either the death-script is not executed at all when a player dies or it counts disconnecting players as dead players.

Any solutions?

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Anyone a workaround for disconnecting players not triggering triggers with condition not alive playerX ?

I've been fumbling around with lifestate and many other things for many hours. No use. Disconnection is considered as death.

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Doesn't work. I have tried that condition before:

!alive playerX and ((isPlayer playerX) or !(isPlayer playerX))

When you check a non-existing unit (e.g. player999) with isPlayer or !isPlayer, then it is recognized as not existing (i.e. both isPlayer and !isPlayer return a negative value).

I also thought lifeState == "dead" would be better, since it returns only true (?), when the unit is existing but dead (without a deletion causing death-report). But that causes some trouble with locality.

For some reason the engine does not differentiate between a non-life-status caused by death and a non-life-status caused by disconnection.

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