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Shaftoe - Seriously guys?

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Well, yeah...

I can't finish the Manhattan mission cause Shaftoe is dead. This is such a common bug, the internet is full of complaints but not a single solution.

Wasn't some patch supposed to fix this? How long exactly is the game out now? Still wasn't fixed?

Come on guys, you can't be serious. This is my third try in playing the SP campaign and I still can't get past Manhattan cause every friggin time Shaftoe decides to take a very long nap.

Is there some workaround?!

I've looked for cheats to end the mission forcefully (Even though my heart bled because of the sheer outlook of using cheats) but I can't get the console (If there is any) open. Most sites recommend Shift + "-" but that doesn't work for me.

So what now?

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Strange1, never had that bug...

For the cheat: press 'shift' and '-' at the same time, release and type 'endmission'.

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Yep, doesn't work for me. No idea why.

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Yeah, press Shift and Keypad Minus then just type "endmission" without quotes. There will be no console popping up, just press the two buttons and type the cheat code.

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Ah alright Grunt. I'll try that, thanks.

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