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Teamswitch problem

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I was looking through the forums for a similar issue being discussed, but the closest thing I found was this topic which hasn't been posted in since last November. I've noticed similar problems that are still present and causing major issues in SP games.

The problem is that once you use the teamswitch option to play as another team member, your original teamleader (player) suddenly turns retarded. He stands up, regardless of his previous stance or the combat stance of the squad, and just stands there. He also likes to bark random orders to the rest of the squad, such as ordering the team to fire on the enemy even if their previous stance/orders were to hold fire/stealth (as mentioned in that topic).

As it stands right now, before I can teamswitch to another unit to manage their loadouts or place them exactly where I need them, I have to carefully move my leader into a location that he won't be seen. I also have to order my entire team to Halt so that they won't start running around or try to form back up on the leader. This not only means I can't leave the leader in a proper position, but I have to take extra time out of the mission in order to find a nice place to tuck him away.

I would like to see the leader simply stay put, remain in the same stance/location that he was in when I switched players, and not start barking out new orders.

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