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NEWBIE...HOw to Command?

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Sorry my english..im from venezuela

Hey, Im newbie in OFP...Im playing the Sniper Team Mission...How the #### do I play it?...

I mean, how I give orders?.....my radio only have reply, or commands (target or status)..or I just start to walk and the black ops follow me?...

Please, this is the first time Im in command?...somebady give some advice....

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Are you playing the single missions, thinking they're some kind of tutorial?

My advise is don't! Just jump straight into the campaign, because that includes all the tutorials as and when you need them. You'll also need the practice fighting, before you're able to command effectively.

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That mission originally (at least in Euro release) had a bug where those spec ops wouldn't follow you around. That could explain why you don't get a full squad leader orders menu. Have you downloaded the latest patches?

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Even if you patched Operation Flashpoint to a current version I suggest you leave the black ops in the camp. They only slow you up and draw unnecessary attention upon you! You don`t really need them either.

Simply try to get to the enemy base unseen, you have to crawl a lot and avoid patrols and some armoured vehicles. Find a place above the base, where you can scope the spetz natz with good cover. A bush or so. You have to be a good sniper because you have to kill them quickly and then return back to your insertion point as fast as possible. All enemys will be after you, after your first shots, take care!

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The two companions are quite useful, I find, as they do a good job of taking out any enemies who decided to find out who's shooting at them from the trees. Just keep them low. I usually kill all the Spetz Natz, then just pick off all the soldiers wandering around, including the crew of the Shilka (I think it's a Shilka) - the BMPs usually head off to investigate the soldiers killed in the area between the two forests if you go back and knock a few of them off. I've killed the Spetz Natz, but never actually finished the mission, as when everyone in the camp is dead (or sometimes before) I sneak in and steal the tank (T 80, I think) and go around the place blowing things up and machine-gunning the remaining troops. A tank or BMP always gets me eventually - mostly with one shot. Shouldn't be too hard to crawl back after the hit, though. I've never had any problem with the two men under my command, though. Definitely play the campaign first, but remember that you have to press F2 or F3 to select one of your men before you'll get the optional commands. Good luck - the tank is on the far left of the camp if you feel like making use of it.


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