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High Command mission creating

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Hi, can somebody point me to a tutorial or vid on how to create High Command scenarios, thanks.

(And yes i've run searches but am probably looking in the wrong place)

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Well I made some slight initial progress but what I really need is a video tutorial showing precisely which buttons to click to set the whole show up in the editor, and where exactly to type scripts and stuff.

There are plenty of youtube vids showing people playing their missions in High Command mode, but I can't find one that shows how to actually set it all up in the editor step by step..

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Well I made some slight initial progress but what I really need is a video tutorial showing precisely which buttons to click to set the whole show up in the editor, and where exactly to type scripts and stuff.

There are plenty of youtube vids showing people playing their missions in High Command mode, but I can't find one that shows how to actually set it all up in the editor step by step..

Do you want a simple mission made for you, that you can open and examine in the editor? If so, I will help, and also I can jot down a few explanations. Just let me know, and let me know your preference (Vanilla ArmA2, or Operation Arrowhead).

I'm pretty in to the whole HC thing, so I would be glad to help out.

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..Do you want a simple mission made for you, that you can open and examine in the editor?..

Yes that'd be one way of doing it thanks, I can dissect it and fire any questions at you if need be.

I'm vanilla Comb Ops 1.59 if you care to send the file to-


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For every new commander, place "High Command - Commander" game logic on map and synchronize it (F5) with the commander.

* If you won't add any subordinates, all units on commander's side will be automatically added under his command.

* If you create at least one subordinate ("High Command - Subordinate" game logic) and link it to Commander logic, automatic assigning will be turned off and all groups linked to Subordinate logic will be added instead.

* Linking more subordinate logics to Commander logic will add groups to differently colored subgroups.

* Once in game, press ctrl+space to change to the Higher Command Interface (See the training mission "High Command" for more information on usage)


what about this and the instructions provided did you not understand??

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I printed out the full instructions yesterday and am making progress step by step by trial, error and experimentation (pics below)

The instructions are useful but are not noob-friendly enough.



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You're getting there, but at a glance I can see one thing that you could do. You do not need to synchronise the subordinate HC module to every single unit in a group, just to the group leader.

I'll work on the demo scenario for you in half an hour, and I'll post it here when I am done, along with any of my other work that I deem relevant, if any.

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Right, here is a simple mission with a British Army platoon sergeant (with a rifleman to help him out) commanding a detached infantry section of two four-man fire teams, and also one of the platoon's four-man GPMG teams in the mean streets of Zargabad. Of the two missions, the mission called "HC British Demo 1" consists of just the British units, while "HC British Demo 2" gives them a small scenario for you to try them out, and also to look at the wait/proceed trigger that I use for some of my missions (here referred to as 'Stand by, stand by', and 'GO GO GO').

To install, just drop the missions into your C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\ArmA 2\missions folder, or wherever it is that you keep your missions, and open them in the mission editor.


Edited by James McKenzie-Smith

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Thanks, downloaded fine, you've spelt it all out beautifully and the scripting is a treasure in itself..:)

I'll create a few missions of my own and see how I get on.

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Well I added a sub module and Jackal car (circled)-


But it's not showing up in the Hi Cmd bar (below) so i've got no way of ordering it around.

I suspect I need to type a script of some sort into its Init box?


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because you have grouped not synched jackal module to HC module, light blue line instead of dark blue.

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Thanks, the dk blue line is the key, it seems some units have a mind of their own and want to shoot out synch links to certain HQs, so I have to keep deleting them and trying again so that I can drag the synch line myself

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you know you can "unsynch" a unit by selecting synchronise and just drag from that unit into a empty space on map..

Also they should not auto synch, but units and modules do auto group if not premade Groups are placed.

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It's really great how much effort people are willing to go to to help others in the Arma2 community.

I see it everywhere, during games, mission editing, patch problems...

Only conclusion I can come to is a certain type of person sticks arma2 out for more than a few weeks.

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HC still has a lot of problems though ever since it came out. If you teamswitch to one of the sub commanders and then switch back to the commander the sub commander will no longer move.

I think its an awesome feature but still too buggy to be useable in MP missions.

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I meant switching on your own side, for example you have a two player MP game, an OPFOR and a BLUFOR HC, all of the sub-commanders are playable. When switching between your own side using the "T" or "Y" button I believe you can switch to the other playable units on your side. When switching back to the HC the sub-commanders no longer respond. I know that there is a work around to reset.

I believe I read somewhere else that HC cannot be run on a dedicated server. I think the Module Improvement guys are working on it here in the forums.

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Are you sure you can team switch in a MP game using "T" or "Y" ? Pretty sure that is only available in SP. Also I think teamswitch pretty much breaks everything that on player interaction with specific units and the like.

It does partially work in dedicated. It is not JIP compatible by default. I posted a workaround in the MIP thread on how to fix that.

I'm looking into better ways to fix the HC module. One thing is sure though, it won't be seamless because the synchronization lines in the editor are long gone at JIP time.

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