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Light size and direction?

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Is there any way to make a light smaller and maybe get it to light only in one direction instead of a little sun, lighting anything?


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i tried placing a light inside a bucket or a basket, but light still shines like a orb, not caring if its inside the object.

Maybe some other object will work, but im guessing no, since anyone hasnt still yet come up with a working flashlight type thing with script only.

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That was else a good idea with the bucket.

The searchlight, does it has to be manned to be able to light or can I use a command to make it light? I can get into the searchlight, turn it on and then get out and it keeps turned on, so I guess it can be done, but how to do it is beyoned my knowledge.

The hangars do also have lights in their celing, but those can't be turned on either as far as I know?

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The hangars do also have lights in their celing, but those can't be turned on either as far as I know?

G'day Jacob,

I also don't know how you could light to shine like a torch (like you said it shines like a little sun). However, If you are looking to light up places like the hangars which have no lights use this script:

_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal ("hangar light pos");

_light setLightBrightness 1.0;

_light setLightAmbient[0.0, 1.0, 0.0];

_light setLightColor[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]; 

Taken from here lightAttachObject

and also for the searchlight, yes they do need to be manned - but - you can just assign an AI who is invincible and invisible using this:

hideObject _lightGuy;
_lightGuy allowDamage false;
_lightGuy moveInGunner _spotLight1;

this way it looks like its unmanned, which is what I think you want.

- or -

maybe you could look here ARMA2/OA CLASSNAMES find the classname, create the object and attach it to the searchlight

something like:

_awsomeLight = "SearchLight_TK_EP1" createVehicle [1,1,1];
_awsomeLight attachto [_searchlight1, [0,0,0]];

haven't tested this though. My advice, would be not to lose to much sleep on this as I think it is just built into the game and can't be fixed (without a patch or a mod or whatever).

Good Luck and I hope this helps,


Edited by undercoverbrother

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Thank you very much for your reply and suggestions. Ill have a go with those and see if I can make something good out of it.

I know this isnt right on the subject, but can you rotate objects around their horisontel axis?

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Thank you very much for your reply and suggestions. Ill have a go with those and see if I can make something good out of it.

I know this isnt right on the subject, but can you rotate objects around their horisontel axis?

I think setDir is the command you want.

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