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Question on CAS

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Here is what i was intending to do. It didn't work out and thats why i'm here wondering why exactly it didn't.

i'm trying to create a mission where the player can call in air support anywhere on the map and then send the air support back to base and request them again to any location on the map they are.

here is what i did just for testing purposes.

i placed the player on the map and then an AI a-10 on the runway.

i made the waypoints for the a-10 starting with get out, get in, move,cycle.

the move waypoint for the a-10 was placed on the player so the a-10 would always go where the player is. this worked so far.

i put two triggers alpha and bravo one of them sync to the get out way point of the a-10 the next on to the move waypoint which was placed on the player so as to follow him around.

here is what happens..

i see the pilot standing outside the plane on the runway. i give him alpha he takes off and comes to wherever i am so i let him take a few rounds around me. then i hit radio bravo and he moves on to the cycle waypoint which i have placed next to the get out waypoint.

now esentially i would expect him to go back to the get out waypoint and since i had placed radio alpha there and yes i made sure both were on repeatedly but instead of stopping at get out and waiting for me to call alpha again the ai pilot seems to just get out and jump back in and on his way again ?

what i think is happening is that the repeated trigger is constantly being triggered and so he just heads on to the get in waypoint and on from there.

my main question then is that how do i make a trigger ring once then reset its self for the next time? i hope this makes sense.. i don't want to use external files as much as possible because thinking of the available commands in the editor it makes logical sense that this should work as long as the trigger resets its self and doesn't keep triggering? i might be all wrong but i'd like to know.

thank you

Edited by quachimba

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try using a hold wp after getout and synch that to your alpha radio trigger instead.

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G'day quachimba,

Can you please post a download link for your mission? It would really help me understand the problem your having here.



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