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player nick not correct after switching body.

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nvm... any trouble was related to a russian body trying to equip a backpack x)

Edited by Demonized

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when using selectPlayer in SP editor, after switch my player nick changes to whatever was default for the new unit.

its no longer (myNick) but (john Doe) or something.

Edit: i mean the name used in sidechat, not the actual name of a unit placed in namefield btw.

Anyone know how to fix this, or if its possible?

In MP editor it works correctly.

Also im looking for a solution to add switched units to to synched modules like first aid etc during a mission, i tried running synchroniseObjectsAdd but after switch synched objects returned no modules.

Do i need to create new modules for that to work?

If so does anyone know wich modules that can be duplictaed without consequences?

Death for your new unit - you have to register an EventHandler, otherwise you will stay in your dead unit, and also the MenuOption Respawn won't help you out! 3.Jan. 2011

And there is ofc the respawn issue, how to handle that properly?

There was mention of using EH but what to do? i have no idea as of now.

Edited by Demonized
added edit.

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ive solved the normal ingame respawn by trial and error.

Still wondering about:

1: the multiple modules question. critical.

2: player name in SP missions after switch. not critical.

will save me alot of trial and error if anyone knows.

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I know atleast the first aid modules can be resynced when you create new modules and do the resync with them. I done it like that:

revivelogicgroup = createCenter sideLogic;
revivegrouplogic = createGroup revivelogicgroup;

waitUntil {!alive adam};

deleteVehicle ais_reviver1;
deleteVehicle ais_reviver2;
deleteVehicle ais_reviver3;

waitUntil {alive adam};

ais_reviver1 = revivegrouplogic createUnit ["AlternativeInjurySimulation", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""];
ais_reviver1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

ais_reviver2 = revivegrouplogic createUnit ["BattleFieldClearance", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""];
ais_reviver2 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

ais_reviver3 = revivegrouplogic createUnit ['FirstAidSystem', [0, 0, 0],[],0,'NONE'];
ais_reviver3 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

But there is one big thing: The injury system works normal for the joined/spawned units but the first aid action will not respond.

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allright, thank you, one module sorted, probably the most important one.

Looks like im going to have to go by trial and error on the rest.

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