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BIS fnc 3Dcredits

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Can somone provide me with an example of BIS fnc 3Dcredits with multiple lines? Thanks!

PS- search function won't work :(

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Can somone provide me with an example of BIS fnc 3Dcredits with multiple lines? Thanks!

PS- search function won't work :(

Put Function model on your map! Don't forget this step, it's important.

_nul = ["<br /><br /><br /><br />Text",position logic,55,1] spawn BIS_fnc_3Dcredits;

visit Structured Text page for more info on creating more effect.

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Thanks! What about running it as part of a script and getting the unit's identity for AI? Is this possible?

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Can I make the text follow a unit?

I saw this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111928

but doesnt answer it correctly :/

Yep, I used to have the idea but I haven't tried.

To my knowledge, BIS_3Dcredits is only effective on position but not object while, unfortunately, position is fixed and it cannot move freely on itself like object unless useing script.

Maybe here I can only show my idea but don't know whether it can work; create a loop, make 3DCredits follow an unit through disabling the effect on the old position and creating new effect on the new position repeatedly.:D

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I remember seeing it in a video of a campaign, so I know it's possible, how to you delete the text?

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BIS did it like this in the PMC campaign's first mission:

//--- Disable after meeting
_creditsScripts spawn {
waituntil {sleep 1; BIS_player1 distance BIS_player2 < 10};
	terminate _x;
} foreach _this;
for "_i" from 0 to BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n do {
	_i cuttext ["","plain"];

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I'm trying to make it on each player for an RP server, so estimating 40 players I don't think that script would work :(

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Sorry for the necro, but how do you get this function to work like in Domination where you have 3D text above places like repair spots etc.; I placed down the Functions module and spawned the function with a trigger and using a game logic as the position and the text was only visible when pressing Esc.

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Yeah this function is broken since the last patch. I think Domination uses a different method though, probably still works.

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